Becoming a Father || Tom Felton

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After two years of dating Tom asked y/n to marry him. Y/n was the happiest woman in the world as she was getting married to the love of her life. Tom was getting ready for the big day in the nearest hotel of the event hall as y/n was getting ready at home. 

Shortly after y/n was done pictures and videos were taken and it was off to the church to tie the knot with Tom. Everything in the church went smoothly and they tied the knot after their vows. Tom kissed y/n like there was no tomorrow. 

"I love you more than ever darling," Tom said.

"And I love you more love."

Y/n woke up from her dream by the alarm ringing. Y/n got up careful as her baby bump was huge. Tom then rolled over as he noticed y/n was wake. 

"Good morning darling," Tom said as he got up and kissed y/n shoulder blade, "how did you sleep?"

Y/n got up and rubbed her back, "baby was kicking as hell last night and my back is killing me."

Tom then got up and rubbed y/n back before heading downstairs to cook a nice breakfast. Y/n went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up. Tom was in the kitchen finishing the toast and plating everything. 

The table was set and Tom smiled as he thought about how soon their baby was going to arrive. Y/n was finishing changing into some clothes that still fit her when she felt water drip down her thighs. Y/n looked down and knew it was time for the baby. 


Tom heard and ran as fast as he could to y/n and noticed the water on the floor. Y/n's water broke and Tom helped y/n out of the closet and grabbed their hospital bag to head to their car. Y/n walked slowly and Tom helped her get in the car. Y/n started having pains wishing she was in the hospital now. Tom placed everything inside and got in the driver seat and drove to the hospital. 

*Labor Time*

"One more push mommy," the doctor said and y/n gave the finally push. 

"That's it. Welcome your baby boy," the doctor said as she placed their baby on y/n's chest as the baby cried and y/n finally released Tom's hand and they both started crying. 

"He's beautiful," Tom said. 

Y/n nodded and the doctor spoke, "want to cry the cord dad?"

Tom nodded and they handed him the scissors to cut the cord and they took the baby to clean and all the medical necessities. 

Y/n was cleaned after pushing the placenta and was able to look over at Tom with the baby and nurse. Y/n shed a tear as she knew Tom was going to be a great father. Tom was snapping pictures and videos of their baby as he shed a tear too. 

*New Room*

The baby was sleeping in y/n's arms after being breastfeed and Tom was admiring them. Y/n noticed and looked up at Tom and signaled Tom to sit next to her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Tom got up and headed to the door. Tom opened the door and the family had arrived. Y/n's parents and Tom's parents. 

"Where the little munchkin?" Tom's mother said. 

Tom made way for the family as they walked towards y/n and she planted her finger on her lip to shh them as the baby was asleep in her arms. Tom then walked towards them and grabbed the baby out of y/n arms and presented him to the family. 

"He's beautiful my love," y/n's mother said as she planted a kiss on y/n's head. 

Tom then placed the baby in the crib and everyone looked at the baby and took pictures. 

"If you guys take pictures of the baby please post them after we post them, please?" Tom said and everyone agreed. 

The day couldn't get any perfect than it was already. 

*2 years later*

Tom was called in for a late night show with Jimmy and y/n was helping getting him ready. Tom was getting his tie on and y/n stopped him as she stepped in and helped him fix it. 

"Hey little bud," Tom said as he noticed their baby crawling on the floor. 

Y/n turned around and picked up baby Greyson and kissed his cheek and Tom kissed his other cheek. Y/n then kissed him one last time and placed him on the bed to change his diaper and clothes. Tom helped so y/n could get time to change and head out. 

It was time to head out as everyone was ready. Tom and y/n with the baby in hand walked outside were fans and cameraman were waiting for them. Y/n hid their baby's face as they had sunglasses on as they headed to their car and drive off. 

*Late Night Show*

"So Tom we have you here because you have been in a new movie that everyone is drooling over," Jimmy said and everyone cheered and Toom smiled. 

"So how is it knowing that many people are enjoying this new movie staring you?"

"Well it feels good, cause not only is it other people but my wife enjoys it too."

"Oh yes, you and your wife have been together for a while now."

Tom smiled and thought about y/n as y/n was backstage with Greyson watching the show. 

"We also heard that your baby is now 2?"

"Yes and he is the cutest little 2 year old," Tom said as he fixed himself. 

The production played a video of Tom and baby Greyson as Tom was playing the guitar and the baby was dancing. Y/n was bouncing their baby and smiling at the screen. 

"Congratulations once again."

Tom smiled and knew he had the best life. Y/n also thought about their life together and how perfect it was. 

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