Together as One || Draco Malfoy

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Y/N was taken to the Malfoy Manner with Harry, Hermione and Ron. They were found in the Forrest by other death eaters.

They stopped at the entrance and one grabbed Harry and took him to the gate. Bellatrix was on the other side waiting.

"Get Draco," Bellatrix whispered.

Hermione looked at Y/N and back to Harry. They walked in and Draco was there. Bellatrix was holding Harry with a dragger to his neck.

Draco looked back at Y/N and the rest of them. Y/N noticed at he betrayed her. Draco got closer to Harry and Bellatrix.

"I can't be sure," Draco said.

His father walked towards him and placed his hand on his neck and pressure point him, "look closely Draco. If we were the ones to hand Potter over to the dark lord everything will be forgiven."

Bellatrix signaled Draco to come closer and had him face Harry who had a spell on himself thanks to Y/N  to not be recognized.

"What's wrong with his face?"

Bellatrix grabbed Harry by his hair, "yeah, what's wrong with his face."

"We found him like that in the forest with them," a DeathEater said.

The DeathEater was holding Ron while Greyback was holding Y/N and Hermione. Narcissa went to pick up Draco while Bellatrix walked over to Y/N.

"Let's see what your last spell was shall we?" Bellatrix said.

The death eater that was holding Ron was also holding the sword of Gryffindor.

"Where did you get that from?"

"In her bag when we searched them. Beautiful right? It's mine now," a DeathEater said.

Bellatrix went crazy and attacked the DeathEaters. Hermione and Ron got together. Harry walked over to Y/N.

"Give me her," Bellatrix said as she grabbed Y/N, "and put the rest in the cellar."

"Let her go," Harry said as he was being taken by Peter Pertigrew and Lucius.

"Pathetic to stand up for a mudblood. We are going to have a nice conversation. Girl to girl," Bellatrix said.

Bellatrix planted Y/N on the floor and her on top. Y/N was crying. She felt the presence of two others in the room. Draco and Narcissa.

"You were in my vault."

"I didn't do anything or take anything," Y/N cried out.

Bellatrix had enough and grabbed her dragger and craved out the word mudblood on Y/N's arm.

Y/N yelled and cried out. Everyone was able to hear her. While she cried out, her cry sounded like she was saying Draco's name which caused Draco to wanting to help her, but he couldn't.

Y/N laid there with blood running down her arm and tears tolling down. All she could see was Draco on the other side of the room watching her.

Hermione, Harry and Ron got out of the cellars. Bellatrix noticed and picked up her dragger and Y/N. The dragger was now on her throat.

"Draco, their wands," Bellatrix said and Draco took them.

Y/N looked up and noticed Donny on the chandelier. Draco was near them and a screw was heard being unscrew. Bellatrix noticed and tossed Y/N to the group and she backed up.

"Stupid elf, you could've killed me," Bellatrix yelled.

"Dobby never meant to kill," dobby said.

Everyone grabbed Dobby and Y/N looked at Draco and he looked at her. While they were leaving thanks to Dobby's Magic Draco ran and hugged Y/N and left with them.

Once save Harry noticed Dobby was injured and we couldn't save him. Ron held Hermione and Draco held Y/N.

"I'm sorry I reacted late," Draco said.

Y/N looked at him and hugged him, "it's okay, but know that this isn't over."

Draco nodded and Harry started a mini funeral for Dobby. Draco spoke with the group and how Voldemort is ready for war.

Draco and Y/N walked on the beach before getting inside to Shell Cottage.

"I promise to protect for now and out my darling," Draco said.

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