Chapter 1

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Ever feel like you are being judged on a scale of 1 to 10 all the time by everyone around you. Except well instead of numbers it’s the scale of being the dorky little loser that no one wants to be and the popular pretty girls and guys that everyone heavily envy’s and wishes that were them. I’ve always felt this way until I started going to a new boarding school in Cornwell, England. I was determined to change my life and well it did, it got turned upside down but I guess in a good way.

“Ava, Ava it’s time to wake up!” I heard my mom’s voice saying from above me.

“But I don’t want to get up! Its Saturday leave me alone,” I grumbled throwing my pillow over my head wishing she’d go away. 

Until I remembered why I was so tired, last night I was so excited about leaving for Ashfield Prep in England I couldn’t fall asleep. But another apart of me was a little nervous too, leaving my parents and my home behind.

 I jumped up and got dressed and ready to leave for the pathway to the new Ava aka the 7-hour flight to London, England. I quickly ran downstairs to grab some honey nut Cheerios and coffee before I had to rush out the door. On the car ride to the airport all I could think about was how great “my new life” was going to be. I sat there staring at my brand new UGG moccasins that my parents bought me as part of my going away wardrobe.  The butterflies in my stomach never ceasing, I kept wondering when the feeling would go away. I put in the ear buds of my Ipod touch turning on Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran, and closing my eyes trying to lessen the nerves. Finally after what felt like hours we pulled into the parking lot of the airport which ironically was only a half an hour away from our house in New York and the nerves came back again as I jumped out of the car and ran around to the trunk to grab my suitcases. I was going to miss home but I figured I’d love my new home better than my last, being able to make a new me.

 I wished my parent’s goodbye outside of security trying to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes, making my vision blur. Finally I gave up and let the waterworks flow, as they held me tightly in a bear hug. I glanced up at both of them through the tears now streaming down my face, “I love you,” I sobbed trying not to look like a baby but not really caring at the same time. I’d miss my parents so much even if I didn’t want to admit it and I’d miss the annoying things parents tend to do, like wake up you up you went to bed really late expecting to sleep in in the morning, asking too many questions that you don’t know the answer to, and so much more .  “We love you too sweetie!” My mom said pulling me closer, so I could smell the smell of her sweet perfume on her beige sweater. I felt like I was being squeezed to death but it was comforting not painful, like it should have been. Dad gently wiped my tears from my eyes and handed me a tissue to blow my nose. I blew loudly and tried to smile at them. They both give me a hug one last time then let me go.  

“I promise I’ll call you when I land and then once I’m settled at school.”

 I promised to e-mail them a couple times a week and Skype them if I had a chance and when the time differences didn’t get in the way. They both squeezed my hands and then gently pushed me towards security leaving me alone.

 “Bye sweetie, we’ll miss you so much and we love you very much don’t you ever forget,” my parents called out after me as I walked through security.

I turned to wave and smile at them one last time then started towards the line where they had to do all the standard security things; checking your carry on and going through the metal directors and all that "fun stuff."

Wow, wow, wow was all I could think about while I was walking through the airport by myself; I couldn’t believe I was on my own. It was weird feeling being without out my parents and having them to lean on. And especially being on a plane without them, I’d been on a plane numerous times but always with them by my side. When I was getting on the plane trying to find my seat,  I bumped into a tall, skinny guy with long black hair that covered his eyes but when he flicked it out of his face I could see that he had really pretty green eyes. “Oppsy sorry”, I said moving around him to get into my sit which was a little bit behind him. I sat down in my seat and was putting in my ear buds for my iPod touch and making myself comfortable when I heard someone sit down beside me. I looked up and saw the guy who I bumped into sitting next to me smiling.

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