Chapter 5

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I continued down the hallway and closed the door behind me right as I saw the clock on our DVD player hit ten o’clock.

“Oh my gosh, where were you?”, Kai said looking up from the show her and Skylar were watching.

 “Sorry I was just walking around campus after dinner and lost track of time. But I’m here now,” I said trying to catch my breath, hoping they weren’t mad I had come in right at curfew.

 I was so embarrassed, it made me look so bad even though I was new and didn’t really know these things it seemed like they would still think I was irresponsible.

They must have saw the worry on my face because Skylar said, “oh no don’t worry about it we totally understand it’s your first night here and you don’t know your way around here we were just worried about you.”

 I sighed in relief, “oh good I thought I was already on the wrong foot with both of you.”

“Not at all, we love you as are new roomie, this year is going to be so much fun and it’s only just begun,” Kai said smiling at me.

We continued talking for a little while about the new year ahead of us and then went to our separate rooms. I jumped onto my bed after getting my pajamas on; my gray Good Dog Charlie’s pajama bottoms with darker gray Labradors on them and a plain gray V-neck t-shirt. I laid there staring at the ceiling, wondering what the start of actual school would be like tomorrow and all my classes and teachers would be like. I realized then I had never asked Kai or Skylar what their schedule were like, so hopefully we had time in the morning to see.  As I tried to fall asleep all I could think about was what had happened earlier and how I had actually opened up to him about something, that isn’t common for me. Did that really happen or was it just a dream?

Next thing I knew I was waking up to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock, I rolled over groaning and wanting to hit the snooze button and sleep in for at least five more minutes but I didn’t want to be late for my first  new classes. That probably won’t make the greatest first impression on my teachers and other fellow classmates who would probably judge me if I was late. So I got out of bed and walked sleepily to my closet and grabbed an outfit that would help make a good first impression. A floral dress with a big, light brown leather belt and light brown leather riding boots to match. And I left my hair down since I had braided it last night and it was waving. The perfect combination of end of summer and start of fall outfit. Even though  I try not to really care what people think but sometimes I do and I didn’t want people judging every fiber of my being on my very first day here. I walked out of my room after I was dressed to see if Skylar or Kai were up yet.

“Good morning! Wow, I love the outfit!”, Skylar said sitting on the arm of one of the chairs around our living room, reading Seventeen.

I had to say her outfit was very cute as well, a Kelly green V-neck short sleeved shirt with skinny jeans and green converse to match. She had her hair pulled up into a messy bun and a fake nerd glass on it was so back to school ready. I couldn’t wait to see what other people would be wearing too, you won’t know it but I’m obsessed with clothes and making different unique outfits. I’m like nature girl trapped in a fashionastias body, it’s scary sometimes. Kai had just gotten in the shower when I came out of my room Skylar said, so we should so head to breakfast instead of waiting for her and she’d meet us there.

 “So excited for classes today?” she said glancing over at me as we walked to the dining hall.

“I guess, I’m kind of nervous because all of you have known each other for at least two years now and you barely ever get new students the guidance counselor told me when we were e-mailing last week,” I said playing with the bracelet I had recently gotten at American Eagle back home.

 “Aww don’t be everyone will love you. I hope I have some classes with you. Can I see your schedule?” I got my schedule out of my leather messanger bag and handed it to her.

 “Oh cool, we have English with Mr. Dalton together for third period. Yay, I’m excited for all my classes well not for math but at least having a class with you will make up for it,” she said laughing a little.

 Eventually we got to the dining hall and got our food and found Shane sitting at a table alone so we decided to join him.

“Hey Shane,” I said smiling.

 He looked up from eating, “hey stranger, how are you today?”

 “Good and yourself?”, I said sitting down on his right.

“Fine, thanks!” Skylar sat on his left and ruffled his hair as she sat down smirking.

 “Seriously, already, Skylar it’s the first day and you’re already going to get into fight with me! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU DO NOT TOUCH MY HAIR!?!?!?”

I wasn’t sure what to do so I just sat there a little concerned; I guessed I would soon find out why they were acting like this.

Then I heard something hit Skylar’s leg, “Ow,” she screamed, “what the heck Shane,” she said glaring at him. “Was that really necessary?”

 Then he started cracking up laughing and couldn’t stop laughing.

 “Um, guys… are you two ok?,” I asked getting so concerned that I finally had decided to ask.

 They both started laughing then, “yes perfectly fine, this is pretty much an everyday thing between us. We are really close though, it’s one of those love-hate relationships that we have,” she said glancing at him.


 “You bet,” he said playfully punching her in the shoulder.

 We all finished before Kai even showed up and as we were heading for the door all together she showed up looking all flustered.

 “Where were you,” Skylar said beating Shane to it which I guess was good because only knowing him for about a day he might have yelled at her for being late.

 “Sorry I took a longer shower than I realized and had to rush to get dressed and get down here but I guess I’m skipping breakfast this morning,” she said looking kind of sad.

 “No you’re not,” Shane pulled a muffin out of his backpack.

“Thanks,” she said smiling weakly at him.

 “Welcome, well got to get to class. Later peeps. Bye stranger,” he said slapping me on the back.

“Bye Shane,” I turned to Kai, “your brother is so weird and now I can’t believe even more that you two are siblings. You two are complete opposites I swear.”

She laughed weakly, “yeah we are, well we all better get to class now so you’re not late on your first day and neither are we.”

Hope you enjoyed it! So what's the deal with Kai? Why do you think she was so late to breakfast and acting all flustered? Please comment and vote! Thanks my darlings!

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