Chapter 6

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I glanced at my schedule as I got it out of my leather messager bag and headed to math, ugh my least favorite class of the day, first period. I hoped I’d make some good friends so it would make the time go faster and less dreadful dragging myself out of bed every single morning just to go to math. I found the math building in no time, a limestone building with big windows and navy blue shutters, not exactly what you’d expect for a high school even if it was a boarding school.  I opened the wooden door and felt the rush of cool air conditioning spread over me as I walked down the hall and into my classroom.

 “Good Morning, I’m Miss Tyson, you must be Ava” said a short, young, dark brown haired woman.

 I got the impression that she was really nice and friendly, let’s hope she’s like that for the rest of the year, I had teachers like that at home that were nice the first week then turned into a super bitch and you dreaded going to their class every single day.

I smiled at her politely and shook her hand, “yes, nice to meet you”, and then I went and took a seat a few minutes later a taller girl with long wavy blonde hair sat down next to me.

 “Do you mind if I sit here?” She said to me in a pretty British accent.

 I would still have to get used to the fact that just about everyone here was British so they all had those fabulous accents. So different from the nasally sounding ones in the United States, they sounded almost like a harmony to a wonderful melody when they spoke. And I was the odd ball out, the pitch that didn’t fit in the song.

“Oh yeah, that’s fine,” I moved my stuff off the chair next to me so she could sit down next to me.

 “So are you new this year, I’ve never seen you around.”

 “Yeah, I just got here yesterday night I’m from the United States. The campus is so beautiful, I love it.”

“Yeah, it is pretty great I’m glad to live here in here in England and I’m glad my parents decided to send me to this boarding school it makes me feel more independent and like you said it’s so gorgeous here which is a perk. So what’s your name?”

 “Ava, and yours?”

“Abby, ugh class is starting I guess we better listen to Miss Tyson and I hope she doesn’t make us have assigned seats. I like this seat.”

Class then started and Miss Tyson told us all the “fun stuff” we’d be doing in Algebra II this year. Finally class ended, so glad, not that I didn’t like Miss Tyson or anything I just think algebra is soooooo boring, it’s not really my most favorite subject in the world. It makes you just want to bang your head repeatedly on the table. But then the teacher would think you were mental and send you to the guidance office.

As I was walking to science I ran into Skylar.

 “Hey, how was your first class here? Make any new friends?” she asked, I almost felt like I was my little first grade self with my hair in pigtails and sporty the color pink like all 5 and 6 year old girls do and my mom was asking me how my first day ever of school was.

 “Pretty good, actually I met Abby and Miss Tyson seems to be really nice. I’m hoping this class is much better than my classes at home have been.”

 “I hope they are too you won’t want to have everyday start out horribly but I doubt that would ever happen and you seem like the type of person that could make anything positive though.”

“Awww thank you,” I said blushing.

 “Well its true well we better get off to class now, where are you going?”

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