Chapter 8

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I walked around the campus for a little while still exploring the campus. I found there’s a giant bookstore and library, enormous movie theater with 6 different theaters and a gaming center added on to it. And a whole bunch of different restaurants to go too; Italian, Sweet Shop, and a Japanese restaurant. I got my phone out and realized it was almost dinner time so I headed towards the dining hall and texted Kai and Skylar telling them I’d meet them there. Skylar never answered me so I figured she was somewhere else maybe hanging out with Mason today too or something like that. Kai texted me back and said she and Shane were going to dinner too so they’d meet me there. I reached the dining hall in no time and soon spotted Kai and Shane and got in line with them today they have buffet lines so you could choose whatever you wanted to eat that night. I got in the salad line while they went and got something else.

I met them then at the table, “awww Skylar isn’t here so I can’t bug her but at least my hair won’t get messed up like it normally does at least three times during one meal.”

 We all laughed. I noticed Kai looking around almost like she was looking for someone and also noticed Shane watching her too. When she noticed him watching too she quickly went back to her meal and didn’t look around again for the rest of the meal. We got dessert then Kai and I decided to go back to our room so we said good night to Shane and walked back to our room together.

“Hey you ok,” I said, “I don’t know you that well but you seemed a little weird at dinner.”

She looked at me, “yeah just going through a rough spot with my boyfriend and Shaney doesn’t know about him either. If he knew about him he would either freak out at me or just drive me insane by annoying me all about it.”

 I smiled at her, “I totally understand siblings are like that sometimes, but maybe you should just tell him so then you don’t have that pressure of hiding it from him pushing down on your shoulders. But what about the boyfriend problems anything I can do to help?”

 She sighed and shook her head, “I don’t think so we kind of have to work it out on our own, we had a fight earlier and I feel so bad because it was over something completely stupid, that we shouldn’t have even fought about. I guess it’s just the stress of the new school year getting to us both making us a little more on edge. I really want to make up with him though and have things go back to normal again, I really hate fights. That’s who I was looking for at dinner. His name is Nate and he really is an amazing guy, I know that’s clique and everyone says ‘my boyfriend’s so amazing’ but it’s true, so I hope this fight doesn’t come between us. If we stay together I’ll tell Shaney then even if he will bug me about it for the rest of my life I think your right it will help to get that off my chest.”

“I hope you two stay together and everything works out and I’d love to meet him, I bet you two are so cute together. Sometimes these things happen couples fight sometimes, but no one’s perfect so… but then they make up and wish they’d never fought and laugh about the stupid things they did fight about. I bet everything will be fine and you two will be talking in no time.”

 She smiled at me, “thanks Ava, you know you give the best advice, it almost seems like we’ve know each other for a while but we’ve actually just met. But I’m glad I have you as my roomie and I’m especially glad I can trust you. Want to watch something special on TV tonight? You can choose whatever you want I bet I’ll love it and if there’s nothing good on we want to watch we can have a movie marathon! Skylar and I have tons of movies we have for random movie nights and a bunch we’ve already watched but there still so good.”

 “I’d loved to it sounds like fun! Isn’t there a lounge or something on our floor that we can get snacks from, I thought I read something about that online when I was checking out the website.”

She laughed, “oh yes and we will totally have to hit that up.”

We linked arms and walked back to our dorm together and got tons of candy and snacks from the lounge for TV and movie night. We finished watching two hilarious episodes of New Girl laughing so much we could have peed our pants. As the credits rolled and the next show came on we said good night and walked to our separate rooms.

I laid in bed thinking about my first day of actual school, besides the fact that I ran down the hallway after having a class with guy I told a lot of my past too, it wasn’t so bad. But if it’s like it is in the U.S every marking period or semester the teacher usually gives you new seats, I guess I could put up with sitting next to him for a month or two. Eventually he’ll probably realize I didn’t want to talk or be his friend after I gave him the cold shoulder for a while. I tried to force him out of my mind yet again, why does he keep traveling back into my mind. Well he is really handsome and has those beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in so easily and just make you want to melt every time you look into them. And those toned muscles of his and his thin but muscular waist, I’m pretty sure he has abs too but I’ve never seen him shirtless. Oh god! I wanted to slap myself, Ava snap out of it! The next thing I knew I was asleep.

Poor Kai do you agree with Ava that she should tell Shane and take the pressure off her relationship? Still daydreaming about Cody does she like him or not? And the ever pending question can he trust him? Sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been insanely busy lately once it hits summer I will try to update more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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