California Barkley High.

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Have you ever here had a dream that when is getting to a great part and you hear something that disturbs that good ass dream and you open your eyes.

The alarm ringed and ringed and ringed. It got super annoying, I call it the "F-ing School Alarm"

I had no problem rushing into the bathroom anymore, now that I have a bathroom in my room for myself. I got my clothes ready for today, a camo jacket with a black skater dress and black and white Vans. I wasn't planning to wear perfect clothes, I just wanted to look nice and 'presentable'.

"Kendall special breakfast is ready, girl!" Mom yelled. I suddenly knew what was the special breakfast, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, I squealed and ran straight to the kitchen, my stomach grumbled once I got out my room it totally smelled like Chocolate Chips. I haven't had C.C Pancakes since my birthday and that was on May 30, my birthday. Mom makes them only on special days as breakfast.

"Kevin don't you dare!" Kevin was looking at my pancakes like a lion ready to attack.

"I'm just observing it, okay" he did a smirk afterwards. Mom was preparing our lunch bags, which in that I mean she was taking $40 out her wallet and gave me 20 and Kevin 20.

"Kendall and Kevin, I'll be home late I have to do a lot of stuff to organize the boutique like around 10-ish I believe I'll be home" Mom later whispered in my hear, "I left $50 in your room and under your pillow, buy pizza or take out which ever" I knew why she whispered instead of saying it out loud for Kevin to know, we all knew he will take the money and waste it or not share.

Mom kissed us goodbye and told us to call her if anything.

"Want a ride to school?" Kevin never offered me a ride no where.

"Why?" He rolled his eye when I asked.

"Because I want to and I'm your brother and isn't your school far?"

"Not really, it like 8 blocks.." I can walk it isn't far at all.

"Do you yes or no? The offer is closing, 3-2-..." I cut him off, I totally needed a ride I was lazy.

"Okay! Yes I do" he grinned.

I got my bookbag and ran to the kitchen cabin and grabbed a pack of Winterfresh gum and ran to Kevin's car. Once I got inside the car it was super cool, "Ahh!" It was scorching hot outside.

"Let's go! Sistaa" Kevin seemed excited to drive me to school.

When I arrived to school, the school was big with a great yard and many tables and chairs with a cool fountain in the middle with a green house and the school logo in front, it looked like a sanitary place.

"Sexy gals huh?" Kevin totally was checking out the girl by a car parked next to his must be a reason why he wanted to bring me to school.

"Your a pervert and stupid bye and thanks for the ride, BROTHER!" I meant to say his name In a loudly tone I was trying to embarrass him but that only grabbed the girls attention, the girls thought he was attractive and started to flirt with him and they gave him their phone number.

"What the fudge... Nasty..." I had to go I couldn't be late and puke on my first day in a new school, that will make me the loser or be more than a loser

When you watch a movie of a new kid going to a new school and as the new kid enters the school people look at him and talk behind his back and say stuff such as Omg the new freak or What your looking at punk! Well that quite didn't happen to me. As I entered the school, people looked at me and believe it or not...they smiled at me. A few people waved at me, they talked to me too some said hi and others said "hey new girl" but they greeted me in a cool tone, that was good I guess. Did I make new friends? Absolutely not!

I was confused and trying to find the main office. I asked a boy who was putting books inside his book bag from his locker he seemed clumsy, his books would fall every time he tries to either but them back in his locker or bag.

"Hey dude.." I smiled shyly. He heard me and when he lifted his head he hit himself on the head with the locker, it was kinda funny.

"Oh hi and thanks for laughing I know I'm funny" he was rubbed his head.

"Hi I'm sorry by the way, I'm Kendall...Kendall Parker" I smiled shyly again. Its a new school who knows how this day will go. Plus I'm aht talking to new people

"My name is Oliver Duncan..and that's okay!" He chuckled a bit and he shook my hand nicely.

"Do you need help?" He later asked when he closed his locker

"Yeah! Um can you show me where the Principal Office is?"

"I'll take you" we walked and Oliver talked to me about the school

"So did you just moved here or a transfer?"

"Just moved"I was still shy. Plus I just made a new friend, I think.

"Hows Barkley fitting for you?"

"I like it! Nice people..not the kind that think new kids are freaks"

"Yeah, many people are very humble except the Reps..There like the mean girls and boys, 3 schools have groups like that its like a kingdom type shit all together its stupid and there 'rich' like who cares!"

"Are the girls Girly Girls?"

"Not really, only Becky and Sasha. There the head leaders of The Reps but Becky is the Queen of the group." My lord, those two are suddenly my new enemie. Can I say I hate Becky and Sasha?!

"I don't like Girly Girls...sorry not sorry"

"Hahaha! Don't worry me too...Their all super bitchy and spoiled brats!" He made that disgust face, you can totally tell he hates them.

"I'm not the only one. Hahaha"

"Hell yeah!" We laughed so hard after that

After we got to the Principal Office he asked if he wants to hang out afterwards.

"Starbucks or McDonald?" He asked unsurely

"Both!!" I was excited that I was going somewhere else then home and I made a new friend on my first day of school.

When I entered the Principals Office, Ms. Woods the Principal, greeted me and informed me about the school.

"Well Ms.Parker have a seat" She seemed very polite.

"So here is your schedule and a note to inform your parents I had a meeting with you and...Welcome to California Barkley High, we will love to have a student as bright as you are!" She was so nice or maybe shit she says to new kids to make them feel worked for me though. I shook her hand and left.

I had Mr. McCarthy the Science Teacher, my first class in the new school. I'm so ready to learn ( not really..) When I entered the class everyone smiled and Mr.McCarthy greeted me and I choose the seat in front of the class.

So ready to learn!...yay?

I'll be updating every two or three days a week so keep reading and expect my updates!

- Jasmine Is

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