Chapter One

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Chanyeol POV

I woke up and heard soft snoring I looked down and saw my beautiful angel baekhyun he looked so peaceful so I quietly left the bed then started showering once I once done I saw baekhyun yawning then went to him then kissed his forehead and his cheek

" Good morning " I said

" Morning " he said

" Go freshen up so I'll take you to your college " I said then he nodded then entered the bathroom with his cloths when he came out he was wearing a big white shirt then black slightly ripped jeans then his sneakers and he smelt like strawberry my favorite flavor he carried his bag then I wore the jacket for my suit then went outside then entered my car the ride to his college was silent but comfortable once we reached I Parked my car then kissed his lips then said bye I drove to my office once I reached there I greeted my assistant yeri " good morning yeri " I said then sat down in my office chair " morning Mr park " Yeri replied then handed me the files to sign " also you will have a meeting with Mr Kim Minseok and his husband Kim jongdae " she said then I nodded my head then she left I Know she has a crush on me but I'll never reciprocate her feelings she always has the cold vibes anytime baekhyun visit speaking of baekhyun let me call him I grabbed my phone then tapped his contact then pressed call " hi channie" his bright voice always make my mood wait if he answered now isn't his supposed to be in class " baby aren't you supposed to be in class" I asked " yeah but the teacher had an emergency so he had to leave can I come to your office" he asked " of course you don't need to ask" I said " okay see you in a few minutes bye love you" he said then cut the call this boy knows how to make me smile

Third person's POV

Few minutes later

" Channie!" the loud voice of baekhyun made chanyeol smile then went to him then carried him then kissed him " hey babe " chanyeol said then carried beak then sat in his office chair with baekhyun on his lap then satrted kissing his lips then Yeri entered baekhyun glared at her " um sorry to interrupt but sir you have a meeting now" yeri said smiling sweetly at chanyeol which made baekhyun roll his eyes " okay " chanyeol said then let baekhyun sit on the chair then walked out with yeri behind him

* After the meeting*
Chanyeol came back into his office then saw baekhyun sleeping in his couch then walked over to him then kissed his lips then gently shook baekhyun " baekkie wake up " he said softly then baekhyun opened his eyes then yawned " oh channie how was the meeting " baekhyun said " oh It went well since I don't have any work to do we can go home" chanyeol said then kissed baekhyun's nose then carried him out of his office he walked to his car then put baekhyun in the passengers sit then sat in the driver's sit then started the car he drove to his and baekhyuns house he carried a sleeping baekhyun on his back then unlocked the door then entered their bedroom then dropped him on the bed then went to shower he entered then showered he came out then dressed into comfortable clothes he jumped on the bed then started tickling baekhyun then baekhyun giggled then chanyeol stopped then kissed baekhyuns cheek

" Baek its getting late so let's prepare dinner" chanyeol said then carried baekhyun to the kitchen then they started making dinner once they were done they ate it then head to bed exchanging I love yous

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