Chapter Seven

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This chapter is going to be how baekhyun months is of being pregnant

2nd Month
Baekhyuns cravings became really high from waking chanyeol in the middle of the night and asking for Ketchup and pickles then his baby  gender is finally revealed

3rd Month
Baekhyuns baby is fully formed it has it arms legs and it's finger and the toe nails are starting to show

4th Month
Baekhyun became extremely needy for chanyeol's touch when chanyeol went to work baekhyun cried not even Mrs park or Luhan could stop him until chanyeol came back from work

5th Month
Chanbaek's baby became very active with it's constant moving and kicking making baekhyun very uncomfortable

6th Month
Baekhyun grew little breast which doctor Zhang said will eventually happen and will provide milk for the baby

7th Month
Baekhyun had to lay down constantly because of the baby heaviness and chanyeol had taken Some months break from work to spend time with his two baby's

8th Month
Baekhyun had insecurities of his body because of his fats but chanyeol told him he loved him either fat or Slim

The last month of baekhyuns pregnancy will be in the next chapter

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