Chapter Eleven {END}

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The chanbaek couple have always stayed strong with their loving daughter Myung-Hee many things have changed during the past three years chanyeol had become the top CEO and business man in the whole of Korea while baekhyun had opened a cafe he manages it with Luhan even the hunhan couple had gotten married and have a beautiful daughter named Eun sang,  her and Myung-Hee had because best friends. With Myung-Hee being only three years old and Eun sang being two Luhan and baekhyun both brings them to the cafe and they play and also help give food to customers he's cafe which is called snow flower . ( This was what I could think of hehe😁😁💕)

**Baekhyuns POV**
Another busy they in the cafe Eun sang and Myung-Hee running around with glass tea cups - Wait! tea cups

" Ya Park Myung-Hee ,Oh Eun sang drop the tea cups before they break and you'll injure yourself okay here take this " I told them and handed them a doll and its set of clothes and fake pots and cups then they handed me the cups before they ran to the back and started playing I sighed then kept the cups were they are supposed to be then I felt a person back hug me I smiled when I took in the sent I turned around around and pecked his lips

"Channie hyung you came early you could've waited at home" I said smiling at my husband

" Baek baby don't worry  about it,  I also brought my friends with me Kris , sehun and Suho  " channie said I turned and looked at them and waved with a smile then they returned the gesture I Know them because they're husband are my friends Tao is married to Kris , yixing hyung or lay hyung is married to Suho hyung .

" Oh okay at least let me get you guys something " I said then grabbed a ice Americano , a latte and a bubble tea I know what they like I put them on a tray then went to they're table and set it down

" Baekhyun-ah your such an angle thanks " Suho hyung said and smiled at me I smiled at him back then went to the back to have a rest I may be the owner but I like helping out Luhan helps me too with Chen but his on a date with his husband Minseok hyung .

" Lu where are the kids " I asked Luhan who was drinking his tea

" Oh they're sleeping I guess they're tired from all the playing " Luhan said chuckling

" Yeah those kids have a lot of energy for girls but they're Soo cute " I said

" Oh by the way you're husband is around" immediately I said that Luhan rushed out of the room and made his way to Sehun aish love birds

Meanwhile with sehun and luhan
Third person's POV

" Sehunnie " Luhan yelled which startled some customers but he couldn't care about what they think he jumped and hugged sehun

" Baby how are you ?" Sehun asked as he hugged Luhan

" Oh am fine " Luhan said then he noticed the people at the table we're looking at him he blushed then sat down

"A-ah I didn't see you guys there " Luhan said as he was embarrassed

" Luhan feisty as ever I see " Suho said laughing

" Yah" Luhan yelled

" Okay calm down where's Eun sang " Sehun asked

" She's sleeping with Myung-Hee they have been playing for a while" Luhan said chuckling

" Okay luhan more customers are coming and I and Tao can't handle it alone you know" sassy baekhyun said

" Okay okay am coming bye guys " Luhan said then pecked sehuns lips before he joined Tao and baekhyun

**Two hours later**

" Okay bye Luhan please make sure to lock up okay " baekhyun said as he carried Myung-Hee

" Okay bye baekhyun " Luhan said

"Let's go " chanyeol said then unlocked the car door for them to enter

" Work was stressful huh" chanyeol asked while looking at his husband

" Yeah more and more customers" baekhyun said smiling to himself knowing that his cafe is successful.

In no time they reached and got in to the house baekhyun gently placed a sleeping Myung-Hee on her bed and kissed her forehead before turning of the lights and going into his and chanyeol's bedroom seeing his husband using his laptop he chuckled at his workaholic boyfriend he then went to have a nice warm shower when he came out he saw his boyfriend still on his laptop he crawled onto his lap and removed his laptop and placed it on the nightstand and shut it off

"Channie hyung why are you still working " baekhyun whined and pouted chanyeol chuckled at kissed his lips

" Baekhyunee im just busy but my family comes first " chanyeol said

" Yeah so let's sleep now Myung-Hee is already sleeping she had a long day " baekhyun said

" What a bundle of energy she is " chanyeol chuckled

" I love our family " baekhyun said smiling

" I love our family too baekhyun " chanyeol said then kissed baekhyun cheeks they heard a knock on their door baekhyun stood up and opened the door he saw a sleepy Myung-Hee with a plushie in her hands she made grabby hands to baekhyun who Glady carried her and placed her on his hips

" Baby what's wrong" baekhyun asked

" Wan chu sleep with Mama and Papa" Myung-Hee said

" Okay" baekhyun said then placed her in the middle of him and chanyeol

" Hey baby myungie " chanyeol said and kissed her forehead

" Hey papa " Myung-Hee said back to her dad then sleep at instant

" She's likes sleeping alot " baekhyun said

" Yeah like Yixing hyung he's always sleeping" chanyeol said then turned off the lights

" I love you guys so much " baekhyun said

" We love you too " chanyeol replied then snuggled closer to them then fell asleep too with baekhyun

THE END..❣️❣️

Hello everyone I hope you guys enjoyed my book and thank you for almost 200 reads I love you and hope you found the ending nice thank you for your love and support 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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