Chapter Three

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Baekhyun woke up smiling looking down on his finger seeing the ring remembering last night events he turned towards chanyeol seeing him sleeping he kissed chanyeol's lips then went to have his bath he used lavender lotion then came out of the bathroom he wore a blue slightly ripped jeans with a grey long sleeve shirt he laid on top of chanyeol then the older groaned he opened his eyes to see baekhyun smiling at him he smiled back then kissed his forehead

" Good morning baby" chanyeol said in his morning voice

" Morning" baekhyun replied then chanyeol saw him all dressed confused

" Baekkie your dresseed already why didn't you wake me " chanyeol said

" Ah Don't worry channie i need to turn in my project early so I'll just take a cab " baekhyun said

" But baek it's still thirty minutes early " chanyeol said

" Channie it's a project worth half of my grade I need turn it in early so I won't forget " baekhyun said pouting then chanyeol chuckled then nodded

" Okay please be careful " chanyeol said then kissed his lips baekhyun stood up then grabbed his bag and other items then left once he reached his school it was only ten minutes left he ran to the professor office seeing no one there he dropped he's project once he was about to turn the door opened seeing his professor Mr Jung Daehyun he bowed out him politely then Mr Daehyun smilled

" Ah Byun you turned in your project it's seven minutes for school to start " Mr Daehyun said

" Yes sir I just wanted to submit it early I'll be taking my leave now " baekhyun said about to leave the classroom but Daehyun drag him back by his waist

" Mr Daehyun what are you doing" baekhyun said wiggling from his teachers hold

" Baekhyun I've been in love with you for a quite a while now I know your dating that Park chanyeol but I can make you feel happier than you already are " Daehyun said then licked baekhyuns ear which made tears to fall from his eyes and shiver in fear

" Get your filthy hands of my best friend you pedophile " someone said

" Who are you and how did you enter the classroom" Daehyun said because he was sure he locked the door

" I'm xi Luhan baekhyun best friend and you pedophile I'll report you to the principal and make sure you get arrested for sexually assaulting a student" Luhanat said glaring at Daehyun by the time Luhan said this students have already gathered curious of what is going on

" And what evidence do you have" Daehyun said smirking

" this video is enough evidence to put you in jail" luhan said which made daehyun smirk to drop luhan quickly grabbed baekhyun hand then ran to the principal's office not caring to knock

" Xi Luhan and Byun baekhyun what are you doing here and why didn't you knock Mr xi you're new here so you're supposed to be on good behavior" the principal said sternly

" I apologise ma'am but I am here to report Mr Daehyun of sexually assaulting baekhyun" Luhan said showing the principal the video which made her furious

" Mr Jung Daehyun Please report to the principal's office right now" the principal said through the mic , minutes later daehyun came in glaring at luhan who smirked back at him

" Mr Daehyun what's the meaning of this " the principal said showing Daehyun the video

" A-ah ma'am it's just a misunderstanding" daehyun said trying to clear his name

" Mr Jung there is no way this is a misunderstanding this is the same clothes you and baekhyun are wearing and how there you sexually assault a student " the principal said glaring at him

" N-no ma'am its-" Daehyun tried explaining but couldn't because everything she said was true

" Mr jung you're fired but it's up to Mr Byun to press charges" the principal said looking at baekhyun who was shaking

" Mr Byun would you like me to call your guardian " the principal said then baekhyun nodded the principal dialed chanyeol's number a few times before he picked-up


" Yes this is the principal of SM University I'm calling for Byun Baekhyun"

" Yes what's wrong"

" I think it's best if you come here " the principal said

" Okay am on my way" chanyeol said then hung up

Phone call over

"Don't worry baekhyun you'll be fine and thank you luhan and you Mr Daehyun you're going to receive justice what would have happened if Luhan didn't come you could've raped him " the principal said clearly angry at the teacher then the bursted open revealing a very angry Park chanyeol

" What happened " chanyeol said with fire eyes

" This happened " Luhan said showing him the video chanyeol saw nothing but anger

" Can you explain this" chanyeol said he's voice dangerously deep

"A-ah Mr p-park i-i -" Daehyun couldn't finish he's sentence when chanyeol sent him a heavy punch which probably broke his nose

" Channie it's okay am fine" the soft voice of baekhyun said which made chanyeol calm a little

" Mr Byun will you like to press charges " the principal said then baekhyun nodded the principal then called the police

" Don't worry Mr park everything will be alright and Mr Byun you have a week out of school okay " the principal said.Minutes later the police arrived and arrested Daehyun then baekhyun and Chanyeol went home while luhan stayed in school since it was his first day

When chanyeol and baekhyun got home it was quiet until baekhyun started crying

" Baekkie it's okay everything is fine now " chanyeol said kissing his cheeks and nose

"O-okay" baekhyun replied then went to shower because he was feeling dirty he came out wearing chanyeol oversized hoodie and he's shorts

" Channie " baekhyun called out then made grabby hands toward chanyeol.chanyeol chuckled then picked him up

" Yes baby" chanyeol answered

" I want strawberry ice cream" baekhyun said smiling

" Okay let's go to the ice cream parlor" chanyeol said then changed to comfortable clothes he wore jeans and a hoodie while baekhyun changed into blue jeans and baby blue long sleeve shirt . Chanyeol grabbed his car keys and wallet while baekhyun grabbed his phone then they left . When they reached they got out baekhyun told Chanyeol should sit while he go pick it up

" Hi please can I get a strawberry ice cream" baekhyun asked

" Sure" the lady brought out a strawberry ice cream with strawberry on top he thanked her payed then left he entered the car then kissed his lips smiling

'' thank you channie"baekhyun said smiling

" No problem baby" chanyeol said then drove home baekhyun had already finished his ice cream and is sleeping chanyeol gently carried him then put him in the bedroom he kissed his forehead then went to shower when he was done he got dressed for bed then laid beside baekhyun cuddling him closely

To be continued.......❤️❤️

Hi everyone please you guys shouldn't be silent readers ok 💙💙

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