Chapter 2 - A Surprising Visitor

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"Madelyn? I- I..didn't know it was you," Luke said surprised. He flexed his foot."That kinda hurt."

"Luke, what are you doing here?" I said staring at him.

"I come here a lot whenever I need to get away from....stuff," Luke said looking out into the waterfall. "Anyways what are you doing here?"

I bit my lip. "All this stuff," I gestured around me. "Is mine."

"Woah. Also how did you knock me down that easily?" Luke said looking impressed.

"I've been practicing on my own." I said, turning red. "Luke, you need to get away from here. You don't know what's in the forest."

He smiled. "Oh I know what's in the forest alright." He pushed the hair out of his eyes and stepped forward. "Meet me on the ruins cliff later today, okay? I need to show you something."

"Alright." I said.

I watched him go outside until he was out of sight. Then I slid down the wall and groaned, my hands over my face.

That was so embarrassing I thought, ugh why am I such an idiot?

An hour passed by, maybe more when I stayed in the cave writing stories and songs.

I ate some snacks, then stood up and stretched. I looked up outside and felt the cold breeze flow through my hair. The sky was dimming. I had to go home before my parents get worried. I went inside and started packing my things and refolding the blankets and piled them up again. I blew out the lantern and went back outside then climbed down and started on the trail.

You're forgetting something....

I whirled around. No one was there.

What am I forgetting? I thought.

My hand went to my forehead. Meet Luke at the ruins at sunset I almost forgot!

I started back to the waterfall when the same red something flew pass me again, fast as a bullet. I made a split second decision and I ran after it leaping and dodging rocks and tree branches.

Thank goodness I'm good at dodgeball, I thought.

The red blur flew ahead of me barely out of my reach. I ran through the forest, jumped on the rocks up the hill, through the bushes, then skidded to a stop. The red blur had stopped flying and perched on the ground on the edge of a cliff in the middle of stone ruins. In front of it, two large stone pillars stood curved to make a large circle. The ruins! I stood in the shadows of a tree, trying to steady my breathing, watching it. It was a beautiful bird, but not a robin. It had bright red feathers and a long red and orange tail as if it was dipped in fire. It had a handsome curved face with a sharp beak. It's eyes had a spark like out of a flame.

I stared at it fascinated at its features as a suspicion began to creep into my mind.

No, I thought. That's impossible. This can't be happening. Phoenixes aren't real....right?

"I believe in many things as so. What do you think, my dear?" a deep voice replied with an edge of humor.

I spun around and found an old man standing a little behind me. He was a thin man, with brown wrinkled skin, He had a kind face, with a white beard, soft dark eyes. He was wearing a long midnight black robe that would be found in wizard's closet at Hogwarts and was holding those long sticks people use for walking on trails. In his other hand, he was holding a bag full of something.

He glanced behind him.

"We must leave, quickly, before they find us," he said urgently. "Come."

He started walking toward the Phoenix and I heard the warnings about strangers approaching you and the responsible part of me said RUN but the curious side of me said no, we should go, he's not trying do hurt me right? He's just trying to help. The curious side overcame the responsible side so I went and followed him.

The wizard was crouching on the ground helping the phoenix onto his arm. He pulled a dark sapphire key out of his pocket and placed it into the air in the middle of the stone circle. He turned the lock and I swear I could hear the click from here and I was 50 feet away. He put the key in his pocket then he raised his hand reaching for something in front of him and spoke a word.


Open, I thought. Wait, how did I know that?

"Because you are our kind," he said. "Now come."

I walked up to him in the ruins.

"Now hold your hand up. They will recognize you," the wizard said.

I held up my hand and the space in between the rocks turned a dark midnight blue-purple color as if there was a tear into a purple galaxy. I looked at the wizard.

"Go on," he said.

I turned to the portal and touched my hand to it.The portal started to suck me in. I struggled to pull my hand out but the portal's pull was strong. I tried to scratch it with my nails but it just went through like water.

"AHHH! WHY IS IT TRYING TO EAT ME!" I yelled, panicking.

"Stay calm. It's just a portal. Let us go," the wizard stepped through.

I took a deep breath, stopped struggling and stepped into the portal.

I tried to keep my eyes open but there was swirling wind everywhere. I was falling through air. No, drowning in water. I couldn't tell. I couldn't breathe and all I could see was darkness and flashing lights. I could hear voices speaking in different languages and screaming. The screaming got so loud I wanted to scream too.

Then suddenly it all stopped. I tumbled too the floor. The wizard looked down at me.

"Ah, yes I remember when I wasn't used to portals too," he extended his hand to help me up. I clutched my stomach, groaning.

"Thanks," I said. "I think I'm going to be sick."

That's when I noticed my surroundings. Only then did I notice where I was. We were in the valley of some mountains. There were some beautiful architectural buildings that looked like they combined many traditions and cultures. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantium, and so much more. There were pyramids, something that looked like the Roman amphitheater, and stone pillars with fire burning everywhere. It had so many smells like burgers, cinnamon, fresh flowers, paper, stuff that was all combined together that shouldn't have smelled well together but it did. The grass was green and fresh like a perfect sunset in spring and the mountains around us rose thousands of feet in the air. 

Most of all, the people looked like they came from all around the world. The weirdest part was that some of them looked like they came from back in time, or the future. Some women that were wearing those hoopy dresses that you could find a picture of in an old history book about Americans or British people somewhere in were talking to a man behind a counter apparently selling jewelry. At a bench some people with robot arms and/or legs sat chatting.

"Where are we?" I said gazing around in shock. I thought the bottom of my mouth might hit the ground.

"Headquarters of the Phoenix Circle," the wizard said.

"What's the Phoenix Circle?" I asked curiously.

"You will know soon enough," the wizard said. "Come."

I was still cautious around because I wasn't one to trust people so easily. I walked into a giant room that resembled a study hall, but instead of a roof, the room opened up to the bright, sunset sky. I looked down and in annoyance, couldn't believe who was sitting in one of the seats, with a staff leaning against the desk.


Aaaaaaand cliffhanger. Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I hope you have a great day!

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