In The Arms Of A Mother [6]

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In The Arms Of A Mother

Chapter 6

I woke up to the sound of steady beeps. I looked around the room trying to figure out where I was. I looked down and noticed that my clothes had been changed into a hospital gown. I looked around the room and saw a hospital bed and all the memories of yesterday's event came rushing to my head. I had to get up immediately and go home mother for sure would be mad. I pulled the covers off my body and rushed to the door. I opened the door and ran into a hard chest. The force of this made me fly back, but I was immediately caught by a strong pair of arms. I was met with beautiful hazel green eyes. I let out a gasp. What was Arkadi doing here? I couldn't remember him in any of the last events that have occurred.

"What are you doing here,". I whispered, "I came to see how you were feeling", he said in a deep, husky voice. "Well you don't have to say I'm fine" I whispered. "Don't lie to me" he growled. I looked away, not wanting him to see me cry; I hated the way people yelled at me. "I need to go, my mom is waiting for me," I said in a croaky voice. I made my way around him, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to the warmth of his chest. "the hospital called your mom she's on her way." I looked- at him in panic. "why would you d-o-o t-that" I stuttered. "Why wouldn't I" his voice laced with confusion." I-I-I well, b-because I don't want to worry her," I said.

He sighed. "Let's just get you to your bed and wait for your mom," he said. "Arkadi" I whispered, he hummed in response, "what exactly happened," I said, "you don't remember". He gave me a confused look. "You were walking in the hallway and you fainted the doctors said that your body temperature was extremely low," he said. "Where is Oliver he was the one that caught me I have to thank him" I whispered. "he had to leave" Arkadi whispered in a harsh voice.

As I was about to ask why, the door barged open and mother came running in. She ran to my side and hugged me tightly and it wasn't in a loving way. It felt like she was holding me, like she was claiming me. She turned her head and glared at him. "You can leave young man," she said in a sharp tone. "h-h-he doesn't have to l-leave" I stuttered. He turned his head to me but quickly looked away and headed out the door. My mother followed him every move, watching him leave the room and watching him leaving the parking lot.

When she for sure knew he had left, she turned to me and glared and she started to take long strides towards me. She sat right beside me on the bed and grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head back; I let out a gasp, shocked by the pain. "Not only do you think you can leave me but you think you can love someone else you can only love me I am your mother and you will never leave me and if you try I win-". My mother's rant was cut off by the doctor walking in. My mother turned to me. " we will finish this conversation later" she whispered harshly. I was frightened my mother never would say stuff like this if we weren't home. I could tell she was infuriated, but I couldn't understand why.

My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor. "You are a very lucky girl. You could have developed hypothermia. I have prescribed you some medication and I would like you to get the medication soon. For now, I would like you to rest, cover yourself in blankets; I want your mother to monitor your breathing, and drink warm beverages. And it seems you can be discharged," the doctor said and with that, he left.

When the doctor left, my mother turned to me. "who was that boy who was in the room" she asked in a more calm voice, "h-he is j-j-just a b-boy from school, I-I promise. H-he is n-not even my f-f-friend," I stuttered. "How about the other boy," she said, "what other boy," I said, confused. She yanked my hair back, "you know what boy I am talking about so don't act confused" she growled. "I swear I don't know who you are talking about," I said. She pulled my hair harder, " the one with the brown eyes" I could tell her patients were running out, " that's Oliver he's just my friend" I whispered. "Well I don't want to see you talking to anyone I don't send you to school to make friends, I send you to school to learn" she snarled. I looked away, not wanting to look at her, but my jaw was yanked and I was met by her enraged face. "answer me" she yelled, " y-y-yes m-m-other" I trembled ".Good since you need to rest, you will not be getting your punishment until you feel better. I will be grabbing your stuff and then I will come back and take you to the car," she said. All I did was nod, not know if I should be scared or happy that my punishment won't be anytime soon.

I watched as my mom grabbed my stuff and walked out the door, I looked to my right and saw a small note; I opened it and read

"Hope you feel better darling"

- Arkadi

I closed the note and smiled at myself, I hid it in my back pocket, wanting to keep it but not wanting my mother to see it. My mother came back later with a wheelchair and took me to the car. I got into the car and we started to make our journey home.

Okay hey, you guys so I'm sorry it took forever for me to update but I'm back now, so please read this book and vote, comment, and follow me.


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