Talk To Me [8]

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Chapter 8

Talk To Me 

A week had passed and now I was finally able to go back to school. During the time my mom would leave to work, Arkadi would come over and we would sit, talk, and watch movies. I got to know who Arkadi was over the past couple of days. As I made my way downstairs, I decided to skip breakfast just to try and avoid confrontation with my mom. I feel as though she knows there is something going on and that frightens me because if she were to find out about me and Arkadi, I wouldn't know what would happen or what she would do.

I started to walk to school it took me about 15 minutes to get there. Arkadi had offered me a ride, which I had wished I had taken, but I couldn't risk my mother seeing him. I walked into the tall building hoping to see Arkadi right away, but I knew that there was a very low chance of that happening. I went to my locker and started to put everything away, trying to get myself organized and ready for the day. When I closed my locker, I saw a tall figure with blonde hair and blue eyes he looked like your all-American boy. As I took his appearance in, I realized how tall he was, but he wasn't as tall as Arkadi. I blushed, wondering why I was comparing these to men together. The tall figure cleared his throat I started to blush, realizing I looked like a freak just staring at him. "Hey I'm Alexander but you can call me Alex," he said with a smirk "I-I'm Arabella do you need anything," I said wondering why he was just standing by my locker. " I was wondering if I can have your number," he said with a smile "I-I d-do-" but I was quickly cut off by him "please just for homework," he said "o-okay s-sure".

As I was writing my number on a sheet of paper someone came and engulfed me into their big arms I let out a gasp and quickly tried to turn around and see who it was but their hands quickly covered my eyes as I struggled to get out of the strong grip I heard a deep voice say "guess who it is," I don't know but can you uncover my eyes please" I said in a shaky tone "not until you guess who I am" he said. "I really don't know," I said "well then you're not getting out," Alex said, joining in. "Well, there is one way you can get out", he whispered in my ear, "w-w-what"? I stuttered, "give me your number", I whispered, his breath lingering in my ear, "oka-" but I was completely interrupted "No", someone growled, pulling me into there chest. I immediately realized who it was by the smell "Arkadi", I breathed out and smiled in relief. "What have I told you, Blake" He growled out "You're not her owner", Alexander joined in. What did he mean by "you're not her owner". "Stay out of it, Alexander", Arkadi seethed, everyone immediately quieted down and the once loud and obnoxious hallways had calmed down and started to watch the whole scene. "We d-din't mean any trouble", Blake stuttered, "yea-" Alex tried agreeing but was immediately caught off by Arkadi. "stop talking and get out of my sight", he growled. 

Both Alex and Blake scurried away, leaving the big crowd of students that had gathered around to see what was happening. Arkadi scanned the area, realizing he had a crowd and yelled, "What are you all looking at, leave"?. After the crowd cleared out, Arkadi and I were left in the halls all alone. He looked down on me and quickly looked away and that's when I realized he was angry at me. "what's wrong", I whispered. He took a deep breath." why were you talking to Blake and Alexander and why were you about to give them your number"? he seethed. "T-h — ey needed it for homework, I was j-just trying to be nice", I stuttered. He finally looked me in the eye "they didn't want your number for homework, my sweet Arabella. They wanted your number because they wanted to take advantage of you," he said. "I'm sorry", I mumbled, "you have nothing to be sorry about they were trying to take advantage of you," he said.

"come on let's go, I can drop you home later after class," he said. I quickly had to come up with an excuse so my mother wouldn't see. "you don't have to, my mom is picking me up", I said, "well tell her I can take you", he replied, "no it's ok, I want my mom to take me", I said even though that was the farthest from the truth, I would love having Arkadi take me home, but I can not risk getting in trouble, I don't want to end up in the hospital again. "Ok, but if you need anything, call me baby," he said. "Ok, well, I have to go to class," I said. He grabbed my cheeks with his warm, soft hands and started kissing all over my face. Once he was finished, he looked into my eyes and said: "I'm going to head out, I have to go deal with some stuff, but if you need anything, call me right away". I nodded my head and started heading to class but I was quickly pulled back by Arkadi and I was given the best kiss of my life it felt like it lasted an hour. Once he pulls away, he whispered "bye love" and walked away.

Okay hey, you guys so I'm sorry it took forever for me to update but I'm back now, so please read this book and vote, comment, and follow me. If you guys have any suggestions let me know and if you guys want me to update and it's been a while just message me I will probably update because that just gives me more motivation.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 


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