Stay Away [7]

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Chapter 7

Stay Away

A couple of days have passed since the incident, my body temperature has gone up, which was a good sign and I was feeling a little better. I still had a fever, and a major headache, surprisingly My mother wasn't being harsh like she usually is. She did have some moments where she would get mad at me, but not to the point where she would put her hand on me and, I should know, not to anger her. I haven't left my bed since I left the hospital, which is very annoying. But my mother has given me clear instructions not to leave my bed and I really don't want to anger her, so all I have been doing is eating, sleeping, and reading books.

I was laying down in bed and finishing up one of my favorite books Jane Eyre. As I read the last sentence, I couldn't help but smile It was a classic and it always lifted my spirits when I was mad, sad, or nervous. After reading the last sentence, I had a permanent smile on my face. I closed the book and set it down on my nightstand.

I sat up in my bed and I looked out the window gazing at the beautiful sun. I sat there for about 5 minutes admiring the beautiful outdoors but my gaze had turned away to look at the door to see my mother walking in. she came close to the side of my bed and sat down"Darling I have to go to work I won't be back till late stay in bed and don't move I don't want you tiring yourself do I make myself clear." "yes of course mother." And with that, my mother got up and started to make her way to the door. But right before she left, she turned around and said, "don't have anyone over," she said in a harsh voice, and with that, she left.

My mother had been very upset with the fact that I was talking to Arkadi I kept on telling her that he was just a friend but she wouldn't listen to me. The day we got back from the hospital, she took my phone and looked through my contacts to see if he was in there. But he wasn't. In fact, there was no one in my contacts except my mother. She made sure to tell me that if I were to speak to him or if he were to come over, that I would be in big trouble.

I made sure that my mother had actually left, so I got up and walked to the bathroom I needed to take a shower. I was breaking her rules, but nothing was going to happen to me and what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

I closed the door, stripped my clothes off, and got in the shower. I sat under the water letting the water come down onto my body. I hired the temperature and immediately after the temperature had changed, I felt my body relax. I stood under the water for a good 5 minutes. After getting myself wet, I pumped shampoo into my hand and started to scrub my hair. I went back under the hot water and I started to wash away the soap. As I stood under the steamy hot water, I felt myself get dizzy. I got so dizzy to the point where I had to use the shower wall as support so I didn't fall over. I couldn't take being in this hot temperature right now, so I quickly washed my body and got out.

I wrapped a towel around my body and collapsed on the floor; I looked up at the ceiling, just trying to get my breathing under control. After a couple of minutes, I got up and got dressed in my red silk nightdress. I brushed through my orange-red hair. I decided to keep it down because I was too tired to braid it. When I finished my hair, I headed towards my bed and closed my eyes.


My sleep was interrupted by the sound of my doorbell ringing. I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to disobey my mother even more, even if she didn't know, it just felt wrong. I decided to ignore it, hoping whoever was there would just leave. But they didn't. They just kept ringing the doorbell. I sighed and got out of my bed, walking down the stairs toward the front door.

I opened the door and came face to face with Arkadi. "w-w-hat are you doing here" I said, I looked up at him and saw that his jaw was clenched and his eyes were trailing up and down my body. I blushed crimson red, remembering I was in my red silk nightdress, I cleared my throat, trying to look confident. "h-how do y-you know w-where I-I live and w-why are y-you here" so much for being confident, I thought. He didn't answer; instead, he looked at me as if I was his prey and he started to take big steps toward me. I backed away but was met with a wall. Once he reached me, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to his chest. He grabbed me by the jaw and kissed me passionately I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do, but he was such an amazing kisser that I closed my eyes and started to kiss him back. His lips moved at a perfect speed. He asked for access, but I denied him. Then, all of a sudden, his hands grasped my bum; I gasped. He took this as an opportunity to thrust his tongue in. I pulled away from his lips, needing air, I took deep breaths in and I looked back up at him and I saw a smile on his face and I too couldn't help but smile.

I did not want my mother to find out he was here. "Arkadi you can't be here you have to stay away," I said with confidence. "why?" he growled. All my confidence washed away. "b-because I-I will g-get i-in trouble b-by my mother" I stuttered. He looked at me, "I can never stay away from you darling and I won't stay away from you" he said. "b-but I will get in trouble" I stuttered. " you won't get in trouble if she doesn't find out" he said with a smirk on his face. He was right. If my mother didn't find out, then everything would be fine; I love being around Arkadi. I looked up at him. "okay" I mumbled. He looked at me and smiled, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around, then he pecked my lips; I couldn't help but giggle. "y-y-ou are a great kisser by the way" I said, with a blush on my face. He chuckled and it was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. "well I can't wait to do it again" he said and I couldn't help but giggle.

As time passed, we both sat down and started talking to each other he was wonderful to speak to. "By the way why did they come to my house," I said, remembering my old question. "I wanted to see how you were doing," he said. "aw that is very sweet of you," I said, adoration laced in my voice. After 30 more minutes of talking, he had to leave and go back home; I walked him to the door. He turned around and looked at me. "Good night darling" he said, his accent was more audible than usual and with that, he left.

I closed the door and headed up to my bed to get some rest and try to process what had happened. I couldn't stop smiling; I really liked him. I walked towards my bed and pulled the covers over my body. I closed my eyes and I drifted off to sleep.

Hey, you guys I have been thinking of changing the book cover the one I have right now is my favorite, but I do want to see what the readers would like so if you can go to the previous page and look at it and tell me in the comments what you would like I would be more than glad to have that as the cover but for now this will be the cover. I also will start publishing more because I have more time I know I haven't published for a while, but I promise I will start publishing again.

I am also thinking about doing a POV of Arkadi. Let me know what you guys think.

enjoy its a long chapter.

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