Razor x gender neutral reader

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I was the adopted sibling of Davlin, he taught me how to hunt and most of the stuff I know. I was also friends with his dear friend Barbados (Venti) He taught me martial arts and how to glide in the wind with a wing glider.

"Hey Y/N can you go down to Wolvendom to get some wolfhooks please we need them for healing potions." Barbados said, gesturing to my injured brother.

"Sure thing Barbados !"

"D-don't forget y-your armor Y-Y/N" I hear my brother tell me weakly.

I grabbed my armor and (weapon of choice) and headed off to Wolvendom. After walking for a while, I sat down under a tree in the shade and gently dosed off to sleep. I woke up to a sudden loud crash, I grabbed (weapon of choice) and got into my defensive position. But instead of the monsters that were about to attack me, I saw a boy with white and silver holding a claymore sword.

"Is you ok?" the boy asked, holding out his hand which I gleefully took.

"I'm ok, thank you for saving me... uhhh....."


"Thank you for saving me Razor." I thanked, grabbing my bag that had a few wolfhooks in it.

"You looking for wolfhook?" Razor asked, pointing to my bag.

"Mhm to help my brother." I replied with a grin.

"Let Razor help Lupical find Wolfhooks." Razor um asked, if you can even call it asking-

I nodded in response and was swiftly pulled/dragged by the white haired boy as he collected as many wolfhooks he can see. After gathering enough, you halted to a stop causing the poor boy to fall on top of you. You looked at him with a bit of red dusting your cheeks as his dusted a bit of a strawberry pink.

"U-uh R-razor is sorry for falling on Lupical-" Razor stuttered, as the blush on his face became more visible.

"I-its alright Razor, but uh c-can you get off me please you're suffocating me-" I said, with a nervous expression.

Razor got off of me and lent me a hand so I could get back onto my feet. He walked me to the exit of the forest and to the entrance of the Windrise forest.

"Will Razor see Lupical again soon?" Razor asked, turning his attention towards me.

"Maybe soon and thank you for helping me." I bowed to him as a thanks.

He suddenly took my hands and kissed the top of my nose. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I stood there frozen. (Y/N.exe stopped working)

"Well Razor needs to hunt for my lupical, bye now." with that said, Razor just left me in a blushing mess. I could practically feel steam coming from the side of my ears. After a few minutes of trying to calm myself down, I walked back to the Windrise tree, where Barbados spends most of his time, seeing that Barbados waved frantically at me so I could pass him the wolfhooks.

"Sooooo Y/N whose the special guy or girl that got you so pink, hm?" Barbados asked, moving his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

My eyes went wide as I didn't even notice my face was a tad bit pink. I felt my face flush with red as Barbados continued to tease me, trying to find out who it was..

He's so Innocent 🥺 Next up Albedo x reader (idk the gender yet)

566 words

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