Kazuha x !GN! Reader

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Your boyfriend is a wanderer from Inazuma and a member of the famous ship, The Crux. You didn't have any objection about him being a member of the Crux's crew since you were also a member. However this is the story of how you two met so...


~Author - Chan


Now as I was saying.....

~ Flash Back brought to you by Kazuha's fluffy hair~

It was a stormy evening when you were apparently adopted by Beidou a while ago. She found you as a stowaway on one of the cargo she needed to transport to Liyue from Fontaine. You explained to her how your village was under attack and that your parents didn't survive, so you decided to join her crew. It's been years since that moment, and you were taking a stroll at the docks in Inazuma. You were clearly aware about the vision hunt decree, however it wasn't applied to anyone at the docks since they weren't from Inazuma, they were only there to transport things to and from Inazuma. You suddenly heard something or someone in the bushes. You prepared your weapon and infused it with your vision.

"Whose there, show yourself." you said, trying to stay strong and maybe a bit menacing.

A boy with white hair with a streak of red walked out of the bushes with bruises covering his body. He looked up at your (e/c) eyes in beauty.

"Well? Who are you?" you ask again, raising your weapon a bit more.

"I am Kaedehara Kazuha, a wanderer who roams the lands." Kazuha said, placing a hand on his chest.

"You're hunted by the vision hunt decree correct...?" you asked, lowering your weapon and placing it behind your back.

"Y/N where are you, we're about to set sail !" Beidou called from the other side of the docks.

"Please take me with you ! I don't want my vision taken away and I'm kinda a criminal for even owning one..." Kazuha pleaded, he was on his knees begging.

"Oh alright, now hurry before you get caught." you said, already walking towards the ship.

Once you were on the ship you explained the situation to Beidou and she reluctantly agreed to let Kazuha travel with the crew and to soon become a member.

~End of Flashback ~

"There you are my muse, what are you doing out on the pier at this hour during a cold evening such as this one?" your white haired boyfriend asked, draping a blanket over the both of you.

"I was just thinking about the moment we both met my dear." you replied with a small smile.

"Well that was a magical but dangerous moment for me my dear." Kazuha said, scooting closer to you and hugging your waist bringing you closer to him.

Both of you stayed there together for a while not noticing that there was a certain someone watching you two.

~ Extra ~

"Move over Beidou I can't see !" Ningguang complained, pushing Beidou to get a better view of you two.

"Well now I can't see anything Ningguang !" Beidou shot back, shoving Ningguang back.

"You two could at least be more discreet when watching them." one of the crew members sighed, shaking their head.  

                                                                          ~ End~

Published on July 27th 2021 12:55 pm

I hope you all enjoyed that short story and I hope it was to your likings you can comment if you have any requests cause im running out of ideas T^T

Have a great day, night, afternoon wherever you are !

- Author ~ Chan

593 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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