Chapter 32

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Get up.


I command the words to myself over and over but my ass is glued to the cushion. The image of Brecken playing over in my mind.

He's got a lot of his mother in him, but I could see Mark too. By that, I mean I could see Zander.

I scan his face a dozen times in my head. He looks as if he's gone through puberty already, but I wonder if his voice has completely changed over. Maybe, if the Agents were to ask around, there are witnesses who saw a teenage looking boy with a high pitched voice.

But all I can see is his face.



And beside his appearance, Marks words play on repeat.

Did he ever get bullied at school?

No, don't think so.

Was he a bully?


It's possible it's shame. His son went off the rails and he couldn't see it coming. Brecken was visiting his brother in jail, and he had no idea.


Brecken wanted to win, and he has. And he's not going to stop what he's doing until he's fulfilled his purpose.

"Kathy?" A voice says. I turn my head to see Michael in the doorway. "Come on. Come eat."

I stand slowly, tucking my phone in my back pocket. I give him small smile and try to walk past him, but he puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I do my best to project a stoic expression. "Yeah, I'm fine, Michael."

"No," he murmurs, running a finger along my jaw and down my neck. "You're not."

I chuckle softly. "If you know I'm going to lie, then why do you ask?"

"Because I'm waiting for the day that you tell me the truth."

We fall into a small silence, but of course, I never get off scot free, and hoping that Michael wouldn't bring up Copper would've been too much to ask.

"Yesterday, when I was bugging you about how you know Copper, I had the idea that you two could've had some sort of relationship, but I didn't think it'd actually be true."

"Well, it is," I sigh. "Two years ago. It's long over, and I just need people to stop talking about it so I can forget it ever happened."

He smiles lightheartedly. "When you came around, asking if we were okay, it should have been me asking you. I've been a real arrogant ass these past couple days, and I just need to know that you aren't mad at me."

A smirk settles firmly on my face. "Well well well. Michael apologizing for the second time in three months? What has gotten into you?" I ask sarcastically.

He shakes his head, and I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're fine, Michael. I don't hold grudges."

Although I have every right too.

"Okay," he says. Grabbing my hand, he uses it as leverage to pull me towards the kitchen once more. As we walk into the room he asks, "So, when are the glasses coming off?"

"They're that bad?" I joke.

"Nah, I think glasses make a girl look more youthful."

I laugh lightly. "A couple days," I murmur.

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