Chapter 84

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The early morning sun slipping past the blinds is what wakes me up before any person or ordeal has the chance. A ray of golden sun that grazes my lashes and pulls me from sleep in the most affable way. I allow my lids to fall open, the realization of what's to come today latching onto my bones the second my moment of peace comes to an end.

Belatedly I notice Deans arms wrapped around my waist, his hold tight— almost too tight as he cages me against his body. Fingers splayed across my spine he rubs lazy circles into the clothed skin, and it takes me a second to feel the weight of his head on my chest— buried into the crook of my neck. My arms encircle his shoulders as a means to rake my fingers through his hair and he lets out a muffled groan.

His breath fans across my chest as he exhales deeply, pressing an open mouthed kiss to my throat. My eyes flutter shut and I raise my leg to drape over Deans hip, his left hand immediately moving to stroke the skin of my bare thigh.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask softly.

"Too long," he mumbles into my neck, kissing me there once more.

"No more hickeys," I mutter playfully, hoping to lighten the mood before Daniel Redding ruins it with all his infamous glory. I can feel Deans smile before he lets his teeth graze the sensitive skin, dragging upwards before he nips the edge of my jaw. I laugh, Deans body shaking with the rumble of my chest.

"We've got to get dressed," he whispers idly, his voice strained. "Before Briggs gets here." I nod my head, though he can't see, and reluctantly he pulls away from me, the loss of warmth making me want to yank him back. He can see this on my face— it's why he smirks, assisting me into a sitting.

His gaze trails my body, clad in underwear and one of his tee shirts. It's intoxicating, the way he looks at me, and I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Those bruises on your neck are awful," he jokes, meeting my eyes with a level stare. A smile breaks across his features. "I love them."

I cup his chin, pulling him into a chaste kiss that ends with a small giggle. "Alright pretty boy," I murmur. "Let's get to work."


We all gathered in the kitchen when Briggs arrived. With him, he'd brought a DVD. One he hands to Lia. "Recordings of every meeting we've had with Redding since this case started," he tells her, glancing in my direction to remind me he's regarding the both of us. "They're all yours."

Lia snatches it out of his grasp before he has the chance to rethink the offer. Briefly, my eyes meet Sterlings. It's a split second stare but it's a stare that conveys a concept unbeknownst to everyone else in the room. Briggs doesn't know Sterling and I had been forced to watch the interrogation he and Dean held. That being said, the blonde doesn't know either. Maybe they never will.

Sterling clears her throat. "You don't have to do this," she says. "The director has approved your involvement on this case, but you're allowed to say no."

"You don't want us too." Michael takes in the way she's standing, the look on her face. "You hate that you're even asking, but you hope to God that we say yes."

"I'm in." Lia cuts Michael off before he can study the Agent any farther. "So is Kathy— obviously, and so is Sloane and Maddox."

We don't contradict her.

"I have nothing better to do," Michael offers. His tone is casual, but his eyes glint with the same emotion he held when dragging Dean off of Christopher Simms. No one plays games with the few people in this world Michael cares about.

"Lia, Michael, Maddox and Kathy, you'll be in the media room going over these interviews with a fine tooth comb. Maddox— it'll be a good training exercise. Help you see just what you can do." Briggs issues orders curtly and efficiently. "Redding thinks he has the advantage here. That changes today."

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