To one direction
Thank you
Not just for you music.
Thank you for keeping our heads held high for 4 years
For rooting for us.
For allowing us to love you for this long
For understanding what some of us go trough.
For helping some of us find our bestfriends trough your music.
For making us laugh.
For making us smile.
For making us cry.
For making us who we are.
Thank you for all you've done;
We can never thank you enough for what you've done for us.
One day we will all be strong enough to let you go.
But until then, please keep you hands wrapped around our hearts.
And don't let go.
Big things often have small beginnings| quotes and lyrics|
Random"And my worst trait is clinging to my own sadness instead of just walking away" I mostly don't know who's quotes it are so I am sorry if you have the same kind of book or quote, I didn't try to steal anything. - I.L