4. Locomotor Wibbly

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In her youth Mia Grindelwald was a troublemaker. Before she had even reached Hogwarts she had been given a wand and taught how to preform silly spells. With the levitation charm and a bucket of water she had caused a great deal of ruckus. Her trouble had led her to a rivalry with the marauders, that ended in her aiding her plots and becoming and honorary member. 

Of course, no matter how much she refused to admit it, Mia Grindelwald was no longer in her youth. As an adult, with a job, around children, she had to become somewhat responsible. So, it had been a great deal of time since the witch had pulled a truly troublesome ploy. 

Being back at Hogwarts, the home of the many pranks she had played, sparked something inside her. The unused potions room next to Snape's still had remains of the smelly green slime she had set off in it. The third step of the staircase to the fifth floor was still slightly taller than the rest, and the sixth step of the staircase to the third floor was still slightly shorter than its brethren. The painting of the chubby wizard on the fourth floor corridor still shuddered as she walked past, remembering the time she had cast a disillusionment charm on a metal bar across the corridor. The marauders remembered the bar all to well. It was positioned at just the right height to cause them all pain.

So, it was without a doubt, only a matter of time before the mischievous witch's antics would return. 

Unfortunately for one ministry official, it seemed Mia set her sights on her. 

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The years after her marriage were stable. Often they visited him, for as his son said, living in an empty fortress would be rather lonely. In 1959, when Lucy became pregnant, the trips to Austria turned into trips to England. Occupying the southern corridors Lucy raised her child to five years old. But it was hard to keep a five year old to one part of a fortress when there was so much room to explore. Little Mia soon found her way to where her grandfather stayed.

It had just about given Lucy a heart attack to find her daughter babbling with a man notoriously known to be manipulative. From the doorway she watched in fear as her daughter talked to her grandfather. He would make a childish joke to entertain the little girl and her giggles would fill the castle. One day, during her seventh trip to see the old man, she was filled with so much joy that she exploded her grandfather's glass of water alongside her laughter. She was shocked when it happened, for the little girl didn't know what had shattered the glass.

Her grandfather soon thereafter began to comfort her and explained magic. She would ask for stories of what he did with his magic and would watch wide eyed as he motioned exaggeratedly about his tales. She begged him to teach her how to do what he could do, after all the tales of dragons made from black flames wormed their way into a small child's heart.

When his father asked him to bring the dusty old wand that had sat in storage ever since it failed to work wonders in his own hands, Florian didn't think much of it, in fact, he loved seeing his daughter bond with his father, for his father would always be admired in his eyes despite his sins. When her father came into the room carrying a silky box Mia's interest was instantly peaked. Not expecting anything to come of it, Florian placed the pale wand in his daughter's small hands just as his father had done for him. In fact the wand had been passed down generations, each parent trying it in the hands of their child. The wand was a prized heirloom in the family despite being kept in a cellar most of the time. However over time it had been forgotten what the wand was made from; for all the family's more recent generations knew it had could have been made from elder wood and pixie wings!

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