The Letter

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*You're laying in your bed when you hear a tap on your window. You turn your head to be surprised at the sight of Errol. You open the window and give him a cracker as he sets the letter on your desk. *

Y/N  L/N  is written across the front, you open it.

 Hello Y/N , It's Mrs. Weasley! I would like to invite you to spend the summer at the Burrow with the family! It seems as the boys and Ginny miss you. Harry and Hermione should also be on their way. Write back as soon as possible and if you are allowed I will have Ron, Fred, and George pick you up tomorrow at 11:00 am! 

With much love, Mrs. Weasley

" Mom! " 

" Yes Dear? Are you alright? "

" Yes, sorry. Mrs. Weasley  just owled me and asked if I would like to spend the summer at the Burrow! She said that Ron, Fred, and George would pick me up here if it's okay with you." 

" Yes, that's perfectly okay! Go on, owl her back and start packing! " 

Hello Mrs. Weasley, Thank you so much for inviting me! My mother said yes! I am looking forward to spending time with you lot!

With even more love, Y/N L/N 

 You look over to see your owl, Bunny,  nestled up with Errol. You pet and hand the letter to her. She flies away with Errol.  

You pack your trunk with everything you'll need for school along with way too many clothes, which isn't a surprise since you seem to have the habit of over packing. 

You set your alarm for 10am and drift off to sleep.

Word count: 281


Hello everyone, thank you so much for reading my first chapter!

I'm sorry it's so short but I needed to get the background details in first.

This is my first story so my writing sucks a bit but hopefully I will improve as the story goes on!

If you like the story so far please vote!

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