The Walk

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soon enough dinner rolls around

" DINNER KIDS! " Molly yells from the kitchen.

You see Ron run by the door and laugh because he would be the first one to the dining room.

You sit down next to Ginny and Hermione with Ron across from you.

Throughout the whole dinner you catch Ron looking at you. He tried to turn away as if you didn't catch him, which made you blush.

After dinner you help Mrs. Weasley clean up and thank her for the wonderful meal.

"You ready, Y/N?" Ron asks while standing at the door.

" Sure! " you say while heading to the door and walking outside.

" is there a special reason why you asked me on this walk?" you ask while stepping onto the path, looking at Ron who seemed to already be looking at you. you look at the ground feeling shy.

" Ummm... I guess not, I just wanted some alone time with you. "  You could hear the smile in his voice.

" Hey, you don't have to look away from me you know? " he says while lifting your chin up.

He puts his hand on your cheek and you can't help but to lean into his hand, melting at his touch.

You look up at him, " Sorry, I guess i'm just a little nervous... " you whisper feeling embarrassed.

" I'm the one who should be nervous, I'm alone with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. " He says while brushing your cheek making you blush.

" You aren't too bad yourself. " You say while laughing.

Ron takes his hand off your cheek and holds your hand. You start walking down the path again.

"Am I allowed to ask you why you're nervous?" Ron asks while rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

" I guess you make me nervous Ronald. You're so funny, sweet, and cute. you never fail to put a smile on my face. " You say while looking at him and he begins to blush.

You decide now is the time to tell him.

"iguesswhatimtryingtosayisthatilikeyoubutifyoudontlikemebackiunderstandand- " You say quickly looking away from him until he cut you off.

" Slow down Y/N,  I didn't get any of that. " he says while chuckling.

You take a deep breath, " I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like you, but if you don't like me back I understand and I don't want it it  affect our friendship in any way. " you say still looking a head of you.

Ron stops in front of you making you halt.

" Y/N, I uh- " you cut him off

" I knew this was a bad idea i'm so sorry " you start to ramble until you feel a pair of soft lips on yours.

Ron backs away.

" I actually brought you out here to tell you that I like you, but it seems like you beat me to it " he says while smiling.

" Really Ron? " you ask, not believing what just came out of his mouth.

" Yes, Y/N! You're so smart, funny, and beautiful, I can't help but to get butterflies when you're around. " Ron says while holding your face. He hugs you.

For the rest of the walk you talk and tell each other jokes, Ron even gives you his hoodie when he notices that you're cold.

When you get back to the burrow he walks you up to Ginny's room and kisses you on the cheek sweetly.

" Goodnight, Y/N "

" Goodnight, Ronald "

You walk into the room and notice that Hermione and Ginny are already fast asleep. You climb into your bed and fall asleep to your thoughts about tonight.

word count: 603


Thank you all so much for reading this far! If you enjoyed this chapter please remember to vote! i'm trying to make chapters longer but I don't really know how if that makes any sense. anyways I hope you all have a beautiful day/night!

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