The Arrival

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You slam your fist into your alarm clock and lay back down until you remember....

" I'M GOING TO THE BURROW TODAY! " you say aloud excitedly.

You get out bed and take a shower and begin getting ready. You brush out your h/l, h/c hair and get dressed. 

You put on a pair of ripped jean shorts and your favorite band  t-shirt that Ron got you. You begin to smile to yourself when you think of Ron.

 You put on some mascara and begin to slip your shoes on until you hear foot steps walking to your room. when you open the door you look up and you're met with a pair of blue eye's. You instantly give the boy a hug. 

" Ron, I missed you so much! " you say into the hug 

" I missed you too Y/N! " 

 You begin to blush realizing you're still hugging. He must have thought the same thing because he let go of you and you could have swore you saw him blush until Fred and George ran up to you and crushed you In a hug.

" Hello Love! " Fred and George spoke before kissing you on your cheeks.

You let out a giggle 

" You all packed?" asked Ron while grabbing your trunk 

You gave him a nod while watching him, You never realized how attractive he was. He seemed to have grown a few inches in the two weeks you were apart and you could see the outlines of his muscles through his shirt.

George let out a cough before pretending to wipe drool off his lip. 

You rolled your eyes at him 

" Are you guys ready? " you ask while heading towards the door 

The boys say yes and follow you back to the living room to say bye to your mother 

" Thank you so much for coming, and keep her safe! " She says while giving all the boys a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

" Be good and don't cause Mrs. Weasley any trouble " 

" I won't mom, I love you "

" I love you too! " 

" Lady's first." Spoke Ron while motioning towards the fire place.

" The Burrow " You said loud and clear while throwing down floo powder to make sure not to pull a Harry.

When you opened your eyes you were met with Ginny and Mrs. Weasley both engulfing you in a tight hug 

" Thank you so much for inviting me once again Mrs. Weasley! " 

" It's really no problem at all, I love having you here! And please, call me Molly"

You smile and look at Ginny who looks like she's about to explode with excitement.

" I'm so happy you're here! Ron would not shut up about you coming all night!" Ginny spoke through giggles laughing even harder when she saw your face turn red 

You hear a wooshing noise and turn around to see Fred and George with Ron holding your trunk 

" Well, don't just stand there Ronald! Take Y/Ns trunk up to Ginny's room " Molly says while shooing him.

When you get to Ginny's room Ron sets down your trunk and you give him a thanks 

" Hey, when Hermione and Harry get here would you like to play a game of quidditch? You can be on my team if you want! " he says while smiling 

" Yeah sure! while we wait do you want to play a game of chess? " You ask, really hoping that he will agree

" Yes, of course! You can have black." He calls while walking down the stairs 

Ron pulls out the chess board in front of you on the floor and you begin to play, after the long round you finally won. 

" You're a loser " You call out playfully making Ron laugh and roll his eyes 

You soon feel a pair of strong arms around you 

" Ronald Weasley put me down right now! " You say while laughing 

" Okay, " He says while shrugging and he throws you on top of the couch laying on top of you while laughing 

You both hear a forced cough and look to see Hermione and Harry both looking at you while smiling.

You and Ron both run up to both of them giving them hugs. 

" Did we interrupt something? " asks Harry while laughing 

" NO! " you and Ron say at once while blushing

" Whatever you say" Says Hermione while trying to act serious 

" How about some quidditch? " Calls Fred from the top of the stairs 

You silently thank him while heading outside.

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