Requested: Neymar Jr (cheated)

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I was tired, extremely exhausted from work. I was in my car driving to my boyfriend's house. I never usually visited him after work but I wanted to surprise him like a girlfriend should do.

When I parked in the street, I glanced at myself through the rear view mirror. I realized I had my name tag with my name Justine on it. I rolled my eyes and pried the tag off my chest.

I hopped out of my car and made my way to his house. The door was locked but I knew the pass code to his house since he gave it to me when we first started dating.

When I walked inside, I noticed his kitchen light on. No one was there but I did see some sliced vegetables on the counter.

In the background I heard a showering noise. He must've been taking a shower but I didn't understand why this late.

Deciding I wanted to surprise him, I crept my way up his stairs quietly. I loved scaring him, his reactions were hilarious and he would always end up a little mad. But that was Neymar, and I loved every bit of him.

I slowly pushed his bedroom door open, noticing the light between the crack of his bathroom.

I tip toed inside silently, then sat on his bed.

I looked around the room patiently as I awaited for him to come out.

I heard a sudden beep come from his iPhone.

Thinking it was Rafaella or someone close, I decided to see who it was.

I saw the name Natalia.

Neymar had never spoken of a girl named Natalia.

Immensely intrigued, I decided to read the message.

'Come on Ney, she'll never find out'

I'll never find out what?

Feeling mixed emotions of betrayel, anger, and sadness, my finger couldn't help but keep scrolling up the conversation. My eyes scanned every single word, every single meaning, and every single option of what it all meant. My heart was shattered into a million little pieces that could never be put back together.

Then I came to the conclusion that broke my heart.

He was having an affair with some girl named Natalia from Portugal!

I wanted to march in his shower and break everything off with him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead I forwarded all the messages to my number and deleted it.

I could feel myself tear up and the emotions were started to spill out.

I needed to get out of there.

I grabbed my phone and walked out. The closer I got to the door, the faster I went and when I was out the door, I ran to my car. I slammed the door behind me and sat in my car, sobbing horribly.

This made no sense. We have been having our ups and downs the last few weeks but we always solved our problems. I thought he was happy in this relationship. I believed he was happy in this relationship. He should've just broke it off with me but he chose the more hurtful way.

It did hurt.

I wiped my nose and called Neymar from my car, I assumed he was already out of the shower.

He picked up, "Hey babe, what's up?"

I tried to speak clearly through my cries, "Neymar, how are you?"

"Justine what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing, I'm just-just not in the best mood right now," I wiped my eyes.

"Justine tell me right now what's wrong?"

I slowly stopped sobbing. I cleared my throat and breathed, "I-I think we should break up, for good. I don't think it's working out between us. You're busy with football and I'm busy with work, I just-"

"Stop talking nonsense Justine, what's this really about? Tell me and let's fix this," he interrupted me.

"You can't fix all those messages you sent to that girl Neymar, you can't! We're done and now you won't need to have an affair," I cried and hung up the phone. I could feel all the emotions of betrayal disappear behind the feeling of anger.

But those feelings didn't last long.

I never knew what it felt like to get cheated on. But now I know it sucks.

I drove off his property and back to my house, leaving a trail of every emotion I had.


It had been a few weeks since I broke up with the Brazilian. He's been texting me non-stop but I never answered. I was busy with my work and that was all that mattered to me.
Word did get out though, and our relationship troublez went viral amongst the football community. They were shocked that they lost another 'WAG' but I was glad I wasn't on that list.

I wad watching TV on the Spanish channels since I lived in Spain. They had English subtitles which I was thankful for.

I was watching commercials when an interview with Neymar came up.

"Is it shooting?" Neymar asked the reporter. They said yes.

Neymar grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. Literally a second after my phone started ringing.

I immediately freaked out.

I answered my phone anyway, this time only.

"What?" I angrily asked.

From the TV screen, he stared at the camera dead on, "Justine, I love you with all my heart. I was stupid, pathetic, ignorant, an idiot, fooled, and hurtful. I know this hurted you, I heard the pain in your voice. You have every right to say no to me because I betrayed you. I ruined us. And I'm really, really sorry. I love you Justine, just know that."

I stayed quiet for a few seconds before I replied, "It hurted Neymar, it really did. I lost all my trust from you and I'm not just going to believe you so suddenly. What you did was so stupid, and I wanted nothing to do with you." I sighed, "I hate you so freaking much, I hate you with all my heart." I broke a smile, "But I love you with all my heart too."

"So you forgive me?" He chirped.

I grunted, "We have some problems to fix but yeah. Just don't expect me to trust you, we need to build that again."

He smiled at the camera and waved at it, "Of course. I love you Justine."

"I love you too Neymar," I waved at the TV too.

Author's Note: Feel free to request! Plus, is anyone else diggin Neyamr's new haircut?

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