Chapter 8

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After checking herself one last time Elizabeth walked out her front door and got into Noah's car.

"Hey," Elizabeth told him.

"Hi you look amazing," Noah told her as he started driving.

"You don't look to bad yourself," Elizabeth told him. The drive from her house to the next step was only two minutes and they got there in no time. When they hoped out of the car Noah gave Elizabeth the white flower on her wrist. Matching perfectly with the white lace on her dress.

"It's perfect," She told him.

"Great," He told her and held out his arm for her to take. When she did they started walking up the stairs and making there way in to studio 1. That looked completely different, as always they were the first ones there. With both Noah's and Elizabeth's obsession to be on time.

"You know what I can't wait to dance," Noah told her.

"Yeah let's go," She told him as they walked into the studio.

The next ones to enter was Ozzy, Finn, and Piper who came without dates.

After them was Emily and Michelle who had mutually decided to be each other's dates.

Next was Richelle and Elliot an unexpected match made in heaven. Elizabeth had no problem with Elliot and they had hung out a couple of times with Richelle.

Finally Henry and Jacquie who had decided to come as friends and still enjoy the night.

First the thing Elizabeth and Noah did was take pictures so they had good ones. After they were done Elizabeth saw something that if not handled would lead to someone injured.

"Hey Noah I will be right back," Elizabeth said.

"What's wrong," Noah asked. So Elizabeth pointed to the section of the room were Jacquie and Richelle were glaring at each other.

"Yeah go fix that before someone loses an eye," He told her as she ran off to save someone's eye. She pulled both girls against there will to the locker room. She put each of them sitting on a bench with extra decorations.

"Before either of you hurt each other. Change up both of your dresses," Elizabeth said then walked out of the room.

"Crisis fixed, you are all welcome I saved you lives," She said to Noah who was at the D.J booth talking to Eldon.

"Do my eyes deceive me or do I see Elizabeth Morgan's," Eldon said.

"Hello Eldon," She called some people must not have gotten word she was back.

"Well your back and all grown up. Who are you here with tonight?" He asked her.

"This guy," she said and pointed to Noah.

"Oh Nobeth is real then," Eldon told them.

"What," Both Noah and Elizabeth questioned.

"Yeah it's what A-Troupe used to call you. Since you were the youngest members of the team, we shipped you like Jiley," Eldon said and that made Noah chuckle and Elizabeth mad.

"That's weird," Elizabeth said as she and Noah walked into the office to get drinks.

"Hey when does J-Troupe get a break," He asked the blonde from yesterday Presley was her name Elizabeth thinks.

"Never Emily is teaching us a lesson," Presley said classic Emily.

"Well I think the punch bowl can spare you guys for five minutes," Noah said.

"I don't think Emily would like it," another J-Trouper said.

"I'll handle Emily," Elizabeth told them.

"Why are you doing this?" Presley asked.

"We both were on J-Troupe once and think you payed your dues," Elizabeth told them, and with that then ran out of the office to go join the dance circle, the older two not long after them. Even when Emily questioned them they just pulled her right along.

Soon when the circle was opened Presley pulled Elizabeth into the circle and the two blondes took off there shoes and just started turning. While everyone else cheered for them.


It was almost near the end of the night and they were announcing Prom King and Queen.

"Hello, both Michelle and I are hoping you having a great time at The Next Step Prom, we are hear to announce the Prom King and Queen," Emily called out.

"Alrighty your Prom King is our very own Dance Captain Noah," Michelle called. Noah went up front and had the crown placed on his head. While everyone else cheered.

"Finally our Prom Queen Miss. Elizabeth," Emily called, as Elizabeth went up front and had the crown placed on her head.

"Now the King and Queen dance off," Michelle said. At the next step instead of king and Queen dance they had a dance off because why not.


Not long after the dance off Noah and Elizabeth were walking the halls of the next step for some fresh air. When they made it to the entry for Studio-A.

"Let's go in," Elizabeth said out of no where. So they walked into the studio. It was beautiful moonlight had provided the perfect amount of light and it had the same homey feeling it always did.

Noah went over to the speakers and Elizabeth's favorite song started playing Empire pt.2.

"Can I have this dance," He asked and held out his hand for her and she took it with no regrets.

Everything was perfect the lighting, the music, the setting, and most importantly the people.

"You know I won a lot of crowns and titles but being the Prom Queen to your king is my favorite," She told him looking into his eyes.

"I could say the exact same thing," Noah said.

And in that moment looking into the others eyes they kissed true loves first kiss. There lips were like puzzle pieces made for each other. The fireworks that happened were so big and beautiful. Nothing in the world could be better except one thing.

"Will you Elizabeth Morgan's be my girlfriend?" He asked when the song was about to end.

"Yes," She said it now nothing in the world could be better.

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