Chapter 6

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In Studio A all of the A-Troupe dancers were taking an online compatibility quiz Michelle found. By now the whole studio knew about Noah and Jaqcuies' break up, but neither of the two looked bothered. Noah was sitting on the floor with Elizabeth and Jaqciuie was sitting on the bench with Richelle.

Question 8, was if you could only eat one meal what would it be? Elizabeth chose french fries, the best food ever. Question 20, is what type of fish are you? She chose the clownfish because she was cute, and the human version of Nemo.

Another question was what type of shoe are you. Elizabeth chose ankle boots because she was supportive, stylish, and timeless. "Alright, that's it! Everyone press send." Emily called.

"Ok, we're gonna pair the dancers with the most compatible, answers together and your gonna do a duet. Michelle and I are gonna pick the best duet and the prize will be drum roll." Emily told A-Troupe and we all drum rolled.

"To be Leon blackwoods assistant at the wild style dance convention." Michelle butted in and everyone cheered.

"Alright the results are in our duets will be Finn and Piper," Emily said.

"Moving right along our next duet is Herny and Amy," Michelle said.

"Alright after that, we have Jacquie and Kingston" Emily called, and both looked happy with their paring.

"And then Elizabeth and Noah," Emily said, as Noah pulled Elizabeth into a side hug both of them smiling.

"Lastly, Richelle and Ozzy" Michelle told them and she and Emily left. Ozzy started making his way over to Richelle and she looked very uncomfortable.

"Well let's head to the music room, so we can work on our duet," Noah told Elizabeth.

"That works for me," Elizabeth said and they headed to the music room.


After a while of working on their duet, Noah and Elizabeth finished the duet. They decided to head down to shakes and ladders, so they could be fulled reenergized and hydrated. When they got to Shakes and Ladders, they both ordered there drinks and were walking back to the music room.

On the stairs they had ran in to Piper and found her looking flustered.

"Hey Piper you good," Elizabeth asked she may not have been to close with Piper but she still was her teammate.

"Yeah I'm fine have either of you seen Jacquie," Piper asked Noah and Elizabeth.

"She is in studio 1 with Kingston working on there duet," Noah told Piper.

"Ok thanks," Piper told them as she ran to find Jacquie.

"Hey Noah this may be to soon but why did you and Jacquie breakup," Elizabeth asked out of curiosity she knew what Jacquie told her but she wanted to hear Noah's side.

"Well the connection was not there and someone else at the studio caught my eye," Noah told her and by this time they had almost made it to the studio.

"Really," Elizabeth said crossing every physically possible body part hoping it was her.

"Yeah," He told her looking into her beautiful blue eyes and felt the since of comfort in them.

"Ok," Elizabeth said and they were now heading into Studio-A to meat Emily and Michelle. When they walked in they found the two studio heads waiting for them.

"All righty you two ready to start," Michelle asked.

"Yeah," Noah and Elizabeth told the studio heads, while they sat there drinks down and went to there begging positions.

While the studio heads watched the dance they felt the emotion, heard the story, saw the technique, and saw the chemistry between the two dancers. When it was over they wanted to watch it again and again.

"Wow that was amazing guys," Emily told the two.

"Yeah that was awesome," Michelle told them.

"We have other dances to watch but we will call you back later to announce the winners," Emily told them as she and Michelle walked away.

"Noah that was awesome," Elizabeth called as she tackled him in a hug. She had never wanted to let go and little did she know he didn't either.

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