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𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩
Days went by. Y/n had eventually crafted a boat and began sailing off. She found a little biome island, not far from the Dream SMP at all. It was nice and small with no other people. At least Y/n didn't hear any.
Y/n hasn't taken the wrap off of her head. She listened to what her brother told her. She was just nervous that the war would still go on. But the girl assumed if she wasn't there, why would they even have the war over her? Why would they have the war at all? Y/n assumed if she left, the problem would be solved.
Over the next few days, Y/n had crafted a small house. She was sitting outside on the porch. She hadn't changed out of the dress unless she was asleep. To bed she would just wear her undergarments since it was all she had.
Y/n leaned her back against the pillar, sighing softly. Little did she know, Tommy was on a little adventure as well. He had returned to L'Manburg the same day Y/n left only to see that Wilbur was going absolutely insane. A man named Schlatt had joined along with a bunch of others. L'Manburg and the Dream SMP had just grew more since Y/n and Tommy left.
Tommy was in a small boat, looking for any small island Y/n may had gone to. Since she was blind, Tommy assumed she didn't go too far. A few hours later, Tommy saw smoke coming from a little island. It had to be fire. It had to be Y/n!
Tommy quickly got off of the boat and ran to where he heard the fire. Y/n heard the loud footsteps. She had learned to memorise the sound of a single persons footsteps. Tommy. It was Tommy.
She stood up and ran to where she heard the footsteps. "Y/n?!" Tommy yelled as he ran towards to her. Y/n nods and ran to him. Tommy had never ran so fast. The second they were close enough, they connected like magnets and embraced eachother into a hug.
Tommy placed his hand on the back of her head, gently holding onto it and pushing it into his chest, the other arm around her waist. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her head into his shoulder.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Tommy frantically asked her, pulled away and placing his hands on her cheeks, examining her appearance. "I'm okay! I'm okay..." Y/n reassured Tommy. "I'm okay Toms..." She smiled a bit. Tommy sighed in relief and took in her appearance.
"You look... amazing." Tommy whispered, chuckling lightly. Y/n smiled. "Thank you Tommy." Tommy smiled and kissed her forehead. He sighed and pressed his head against hers. "What's wrong?"
Tommy sighed once again at her question. "A lot. I returned to L'Manburg. But it's not the same. There's a bunch of new people and Wilbur... Wilbur's not the same. I tried talking to him but he won't listen."
"Maybe.. Maybe I could try. I don't think he'll listen but it's worth a shot, right?" Y/n shrugged. Tommy smiled a bit and nods. "Yeah. That's smart. Cmon' I have a boat. Lets go!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the boat with him. As Tommy pulled her, Y/n grabbed her Netherite sword she had made while here and got into the boat. She put her sword in her sheath. "Let's go."
An hour or so went by and they had reached the lands of the Dream SMP. Tommy had explained everything to Y/n while in the boat. The election. Jschlatt being president. Wilbur making Pogtopia. All of it. (I apologise if I get anything wrong.)
Y/n sighed as Tommy took her to Pogtopia. "Y/n?" She heard another familiar british voice. "Wilbur?" She asked and turned her head to where she heard the voice. "Your back!" She heard his voice get closer. He even sounded different.
Wilbur embraced Y/n in a hug. "What's with the wrap?" He pulled away from the short but comfortable hug, keeping his hands on her shoulders. "I um... Kind of lost my sight. It's a long story." Wilbur nods and leans down, his face next to her ear. "I can fix it for you. But not now okay?" Y/n smiled a bit and nods. Tommy gave the two a confused look but shook it off. "Tommy mind leaving us? I want to speak to Y/n about something I'm planning."
Tommy looked to Y/n before nodding. "Stay safe." He said and walked away, going to a different area. "Y/n, come with me young one." Wilbur smiled a bit and walked besides her to a different room. There was writing on the walls and a button in the center. Y/n obviously couldn't see. There was an ender chest in the corner of the room and Wilbur opened it, grabbing a potion.
He puts the potion in his pocket and looks at Y/n. "I'm assuming Tommy told you my plan. To blow up Manburg." "Manburg?" Y/n replied to him confused. "Yes. Manburg. Schlatt named it that." He sighed. "Oh... And yeah... Tommy kind of told me everything." Y/n cringed at her own answer. 'Shit. I shouldn't of said that.' She thought.
"Well. I need some help. And your the key. Everyone in Manburg trusts you. Dream trusts you. Technoblade trusts you. Everyone trusts you. Manburg is nothing like L'Manburg. And we need to fix that. So we're gonna blow up some of it. And you're gonna help." Wilbur smirked, looking at the button.
"And what if I don't?" Y/n asked him with a bit of attitude. Wilbur looked back at her. "I know you want L'Manburg back. Tommy and I were exiled. You want to be back home. And you want peace back. Plus if you do this, I can help your little situation."
Y/n sighed. Little did she know, Tommy was right outside the room, listening to everything they were saying. And he was scared. "Fine." Y/n finally replied after moments of silence. Wilbur smirked. "Well done. I see you have a netherite sword so if we need to fight, we'll be fine." "Well I'm better when it comes to bow and arrow... So." She pulled out her bow and arrow and showed him.
"Perfect." He grinned and pulled out the potion as Y/n out her bow and arrow away. "Here. Drink this. It'll help with your... Situation." Wilbur placed the potion in her hand. Tommy had his hand over his mouth so he couldn't be heard.
Y/n took the cap off and slowly drank the potion. It was disgusting but she wanted her sight back. At that moment, right when she finished drinking the potion, Tommy walked in. "What the hell are you thinking?!" He yelled at them.
"Tommy stop!" Wilbur pushed Tommy back. Tommy quickly grabbed Y/n's wrist and pulled her out of the room and to a different area in Pogtopia. "Y/n?! What did you drink?" Tommy shook her and she didn't answer,
Y/n slowly moved her hand up to her wrap and slowly pulled it off. She opened her eyes slowly as well. "Tommy..." Her eyes weren't as foggy as before. They were still grey but with a hint of y/e/c, regaining her eye color. "What?" Tommy asked confused. Y/n placed her hand on his cheek and she began to tear up. Tommy quickly understood. "Holy shit. Can you see me?" He got excited as Y/n nods.
Tommy hugged her then remembered. She was gonna blow up Manburg. He slowly pushed her off of him. "Why would you side with Wilbur?! Why would you want to blow it up?!" Y/n fell backwards onto the floor. "He had a point! L'Manburg fought for Independence, still is! Why is this all being taken away so someone else can rule!"
"You don't know anything Y/n! Your being a moron. Your being insane!" Tommy yelled at her. Wilbur walked down the steps as Y/n stood up, standing behind her. His hand went on her shoulder. "She's with me Tommy." Maybe Wilbur slipped something else into the potion... Something to mess with Y/n's head, making her go a bit insane like Wilbur.
Tommy looked at Y/n and saw a different look in her eye, as if being near Wilbur triggered something in her. She smirked, looking evil. She had the same look as Wilbur. "I'm with him Tommy." Y/n grabbed her sword, pointing it to Tommy. She was going insane... Slowly.