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𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩
Y/n woke up in a bed. She looked around, not recognising where she was. Then it clicked. She was at Techno's place. Tommy wasn't in the room either. Y/n looked out the window to see the sun rising. She opened the window and climbed out onto the roof.
She sat down on the edge and watched the sun rise. It was quiet. But peacefull. All of a sudden she heard something and looked down. It was Techno. "Hey! If your gonna jump at least do a back flip!" Y/n rolled her eyes and laughed a bit. "Yeah yeah."
"What are you even doing up there?" He asked, climbing up onto the roof and sitting down besides her. Y/n looked over at him. "I don't know. It was nice and quiet." She shrugged and looked back out at the sun set. Y/n hasn't seen his face yet. He had a mask on. It reminded her of Dream.
"How come you wear a mask?" She asked him. Techno didn't answer. The pink haired man sighed and took his mask off. Y/n looked over at him. He had long pink hair, pale skin and red eyes. "So... How did you meet Tommy?" He asked and looked back forward, so did Y/n.
"It's a long story so to put a long story short, I ran away from home, someone threatened me, moved in with them, then we ran into Tommy. Here we are." Y/n shrugged. "Wait who did you move in with?" He asked. She sighed. "Dream..."
"Ah." Techno nods and looked over at her. "Tommy told me your getting better with using a sword and stuff along those lines." Y/n looked at him as well. "I guess, I'm good with a Bow n Arrow though. That's my specialty."
"Well then come on. I wanna see what your made off." Techno climbed through the window, helping Y/n down with him. He walked downstairs and to his storage room full of chests. "Feel free to look around, don't take anything too valuable."
Y/n nods and looked through some chests. She saw some TNT. "Holy shit! You have a lot of TNT." Techno laughed in response. "Yeah. Be careful around it, or you'll end up getting hurt."
Techno puts a bow n arrow in her hand. "Aim at that." He points to a painting. Y/n nods and aims at it, shooting the arrow and hitting it in the middle perfectly and effortlessly. "You were right. Your very talked." He pats her shoulder and walked out of the room.
Y/n's seen how TNT's been blown up and how fascinating it really is. After hours of training, It was late at night and Y/n was wondering around Techno's house. She looked through some chest and found some TNT. The girl quietly took one and flint and steel to light it.
Y/n walked out of the house, a bit away but close enough to see it. Everyone was asleep and she knew they were deep sleepers so she should be fine. She could always act like she had no clue what had happened.
Y/n sets the TNT down and carefully lit it. She remembered every time she saw TNT explode, it would light and make a noise. But it hadn't made a noise yet. So Y/n reaches for it and in that second, it blew up. Right in her face.
The poor girl fell back and placed her hands over her ringing ears. Why can't I hear anything? Why does my eyes burn? I cant see. Tommy. Techno. Techno. Please. Help. But she also knew that she would be in a whole world of trouble. She stood up shakily and began walking back to Technos house the best she could, tripping over everything.
Techno looked out the window and saw Y/n. "Shit!" He jumped up and ran out of the house to Y/n. He grabbed onto her. "Y/n?! Are you okay?!" He asked. Y/n didn't answer. Her head was pounding and she couldn't see or hardly hear. "Y/n you lit that TNT didn't you?" Techno asked. Y/n couldn't say no. It was obvious she lit it. So she nods...
The girl had gone blind. She didn't tell Tommy or Techno. She knew something was off but she didn't know if she was blind. She thought that she would be fine in the morning. But she was so wrong.
She sat down on the bed, tears pouring down her face once again. It burned so bad and she couldn't see. The burn didn't stop. It was just getting worse and worse. It was like torture.
Y/n let out a blood curdling scream, sobbing out in pain. Techno and Tommy rush up the stairs to see Y/n screaming and crying. "Y/n!" Techno yells, running to Y/n. Shit he knew she was hurt but he didn't know it was this bad.
Y/n had a scar on her face, going over the area where her eyes were. Her eyes were grey... Techno grabbed onto her shoulders. "Y/n! Y/n whats wrong?" "My eyes. It burns. And I can't see." She reached out to him.
Techno pulled her into a hug as she screamed and cried into his chest. Tommy was frozen. He didn't know what to do. "The explosion must of blinded her..." Techno said and looked back at Tommy. Tommy didn't know how to react.
Techno grabbed some wrap. "We're gonna have to wrap it since you know..." Y/n nods and wipes tears. Techno gently wraps the wrap around her head, covering her eyes.
Techno felt horrible and looked at the girl. She was shaking in fear and pain. Techno sighed and took his crown off of his head and placed it on hers. She flinched. The crown was also slightly big on her. "It's a bit big but if the crown fits, wear it." He placed his hand on her cheek to reassure her.
Y/n nods. "I'm so sorry-" "Don't apologise, everyone makes mistakes." Tommy cut her off. He placed her hand on her shoulder. "I'll leave you two alone." Techno walked out of the room.
Tommy sad down at her side. "I don't know what to do..." Y/n looked down at her lap- Well moved her head to face her lap. Tommy felt bad for her. He placed his hand on her cheek and turned her head to face him.
"I'll never get to see your dorky face again." She joked. Tommy laughed lightly. He sighed. Y/n reached out for him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. Tommy sighed and held onto her.
"It'll be okay." Tommy rubbed her back. "You don't know that..." She spoke quietly. Tommy sighs and pulled away, moving his hand back to her cheek. "I promise it will." He said.
Y/n began rambling on. "But you don't know-" She was cut off by Tommys lips gently being pressed against hers. "You talk to much..." He chuckled. Y/n smiled and hugged him once again. "Thank you Tommy..." "Anytime lady."