Chapter 21 - My Heart is Breaking for My Sister

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Andrew walked to the back of the bus where Nate was sitting on the couch crying. 

"What the fuck Nate?" Andrew said angrily. "I trusted you with my sister. What were you thinking. Tell me, why you decided to hurt her?"

"I missed her..." He said softly. "I wasn't thinking."

"I cannot believe you, Nate. All you had to do was be a decent human being. You couldn't even do that!" Andrew said.

"Hey don't forget she cheated on me too!" Nate said standing up. "With Jack of all people! One of my closest friends! She's not innocent in this!"

"I know. And I let her have it too. You guys are both so stupid. Maybe you should have stayed together, you're both the same." He said.

"Andrew..." Nate sighed. "I am so sorry that I betrayed your trust. I fucked up. So did Ryder. I just want you to know that I never stopped loving her and I never will. Please understand how sorry I really am." Nate said. He looked up at Andrew. Andrew looked into his eyes and saw the pain that he was going through. Yes, he had cheated on Ryder, but the girl he loved had cheated on him with his best friend, he had to break up with her, he felt like he had ruined his friendship with his other best friend and now he had to live with everything. He was trapped on this tour bus with a man he should hate and a man who should hate him. Andrew sighed.

"Look man, we all mess up. I'm not at all perfect. I forgive you for everything, just don't ever hurt people like that again. You're a great guy. You are better than that." Andrew looked at him. Nate stood up and hugged him.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness, but thank you so much. I will never, ever, do anything stupid like that again." 

"I believe you. Now are you going to be okay to go on tonight?" 

"Yeah man, give me some whiskey and I'll be fine." He said, wiping his eyes.

"Where has Jack been all day?" He asked, checking his phone.

"He went somewhere with Rachel. I don't know."  Nate said. He walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of whiskey, drinking it just as quickly as he poured it.

"He better get here soon. We have a show tonight." Andrew said, trying to text him. 

Ryder woke up startled when she heard a knock at the door. Apparently, she had dozed off for a moment. She got up and opened the door, it was Jack.

"Ryder are you okay? Talk to me!" He said, taking her hands.

"I'm leaving tonight. After your show." She said. She sat down on the bed.

"Why? You should stay. Please stay?" Jack said. He looked into her eyes, pleading.

"I can't stay Jack. I just can't. I don't want to." She said. She looked up at him.

"If you leave, I'm on my own. Your brother and Nate probably hate me." he said, sitting down next to her.

"Andrew will forgive you, trust me." She said.

"Please. Don't go." He said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly.

"Jack don't do this. I'm going. I have to. There is nothing you can say that will make me stay." She said.

Suddenly his phone started ringing.

"Shit that's Andrew, I should head back for the show. Can I at least take you to the airport? Make sure you get there okay?" He asked.

"Of course. Just meet me here. I call a cab to get us to the airport." She said.

"Okay. I'm so sorry this happened Ryder. I'll see you tonight." He kissed her cheek and left.

The show was a hard one to make it through for all of them. The crowd had to know that they were out of it tonight. Jack made up this huge story of how they had all had too much to drink last night and they were feeling the effects of it today. After the show, Jack went right back to the hotel, barely making it. Ryder was loading her stuff in the cab when he showed up.

They climbed in the back seat and headed to the airport. Jack reached down between them and grabbed her had, holding it tightly. More as a comfort thing than a romantic thing. Ryder actually smiled a little. She was so glad she had at least one person who understood what she was going through.

Jack went as far as he could with her and they stopped for a moment to say their goodbyes.

"You know where my place is in New York City. You are welcome anytime." She said softly.

"You know our tour schedule. You're welcome to come back anytime." He said.

"Thanks Jack." She said, looking up at him, giving him a half smile.

"You're welcome. I'm here if you need me anytime." He kissed her softly. Ryder sighed and turned to leave.

Jack watched her walk off. He kept watching until she was just a speck in the crowd ahead of him. It was then that his lips curved up into a devilish smirk.

Mission accomplished. 

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