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In a world in which chaos has ensued.

All of the great nations, once led by strong governments and mighty rulers, were now being puppeted by criminal factions and underground organizations.

What started out as a rag-tag group of thugs became the most powerful crime family in the country. Organizations that fought each other for years, had finally been united under the allegiance of one man.

A man of complete and utter darkness whose aura inspired both fear and admiration. A man rumored to hold no remorse for those he killed, or tortured. A man whose heart hardened completely. A man named Katsuki Bakugo.

Word on the street, he was only fifteen when Katsuki rose to power. He had it all. Striking good looks. Intelligence. Strength. Charisma. Wealth. A dominating presence. But the fact of the matter was, that's all anyone knew about him. Only the A-Unit, an inner circle composed of his most trusted colleagues, knew the man behind the mystery.

The A Unit was completely bound to his will. Whether by choice or force, was uncertain. But they were Katsuki's right-hand people.

They followed his orders without hesitation. Each and every one of them would lay down their lives for him before betraying one of his secrets.

The general public was oblivious to this subtle shift in power. On the surface, everything seemed to operate in accordance with the status quo. But in reality, Katsuki and his organization held influence over every corner of the globe.

"So he's like a dictator huh...?" A boy whispered to himself in a library.

He'd been going over another book on the takeover of multiple nations that occurred five years ago and the leader of this upheaval, Katsuki Bakugo.

The boy reading about it was named Izuku Midoriya. He had curly and luscious dark green hair. His complexion was pale but not to the point he looked sickly.

He had round eyes, with mesmerizing emerald pools for irises. A round face with smooth skin. Like the rest of his body, his cheeks were decorated with freckles.

Izuku had a slender physique, free of imperfections like nicks or scars. A token of his sheltered upbringing and mainly indoor lifestyle. Despite his mother's gentle suggestions to be more active, Izuku preferred to read and take note of his findings.

Because of his timid personality he shied away from interaction. Being thrust into situations in which he had to socialize caused him chronic anxiety. This earned him the reputation of being a crybaby. But if someone were to push past that, they would see he was humorous, kind, and quite intelligent, with the grades and scores to prove it. But no one ever was.

"Is this seriously all the books this library has to offer about him?" Izuku frustratingly mumbled, "What does it take for a guy to learn about another?"

He shut the book with a loud thud, then got up and walked to the shelves labeled, "Historical Texts." He placed his book back where he found it and headed for the exit after deciding to go home. What else could he do? What he wanted wasn't at the library and he didn't exactly have another purpose to be there.

He'd gone to the library five times in a row through the week, and read every book and every website that had to do with this Katsuki Bakugo. But still, he got nothing.

It's like everything that was supposed to be known was gotten rid of, and it was particularly confusing, as he even consulted with the librarian if they knew any sites or books, yet he only got a simple, "if it's not for school education there's no reason you should be looking for information about this man."

So now he'd head on home to his apartment in which he resided with his mother, Inko Midoriya.

"Mom! I'm home!" Izuku called out into the corridor, as he then heard a feminine voice call back and a short-stacked woman had appeared from a room.

"Welcome back, Izuku. Did you find what you wanted at the library?" She asked.

He shrugged, then shook his head. "Nothing other than what I already know."

She tilted her head a bit, smiling at her son's devotion to figure it all out. She'd always loved seeing him get passionate about small things like this. It was a natural response for her as a mother.

Izuku sighed, taking a seat at the dining table. "I just wished I knew more." He rested his face on his palm.

Inko laughed softly. "Well, you were fifteen and you didn't really mind these kinds of things until you were seventeen."

Izuku sheepishly nodded. Every word she said was true. At ten, he began to take down notes about smaller things in society. As he got older, his work became more advanced to start understanding bigger things in life.

But now that he was twenty he was a lot more interested. He ended up deciding to take multiple semester-long courses in college, and even though he'd been told multiple things to drop it, he couldn't. It was like a voice calling for him yet he could pinpoint the direction it was coming from. It was practically eating him up inside but he couldn't satisfy it, no matter what he did.

"Don't stress yourself out too much, honey," Inko reminded him. "It's not good. Besides, sooner or later you'll just have to find another topic."

Izuku shook his head, "Right. I'm feeling kinda sleepy so I'm gonna catch some z's. Feel free to wake me up, though."

Inko nodded, "Alright. Sleep well, dear."

He then headed over to his room, closing the door with a slight bang, as he sloped his back onto the door, letting out an exasperated gasp.

"Aww jeez, I'm tired."

Izuku placed his notebook on the nightstand, then removed his indoor shoes. His eyes began to close even before he plopped onto his bed.

He swore he'd only close them for a second. He hadn't even reached the rem stage yet. But what happened next felt like a nightmare.

Izuku's nose and mouth were smothered by a white cloth. His eyes widened but shut once more, as his lungs filled with something that made him feel weak. His body was grabbed by multiple hands before he fully passed out.

They came and left quietly. Inko hadn't heard a thing. She was completely unaware that someone just abducted her son through his bedroom window.

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