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Kate's POV

My leg bounced as Connor, Dana, Daniel, and I sat in the office with the lawyers discussing the plan for court. It was a lot to take in and a lot to talk about, I was going to tell a room full of people what happened to me and Connor. I wish Carter was here as we talked about everything, he is so good at keeping me calm, but he couldn't be. 

Right after I got back to my house this morning I found out a court date had been set and it was in two day, so we had to start preparing quickly. 

"Kate his lawyer when questioning you will try to make it seem as it was due to your decisions everything happened. We know that isn't the case, but the judge and juries don't and it's our job too" I nod as the DA talks to me as if I was a child, I was tired at this point. We had been discussing my shit excuse of a birth father for hours and all I wanted was food and a nap. Yet at the same time, my mind was racing. 

All of the evidence to convict him of not only premeditated manslaughter, but child abuse and endangerment was there in front of my eyes. The prosecutor had call logs, texts, emails, letters, notes, and even women's clothing that wasn't my mother's that had my dad's DNA on it. They also mentioned they had something else, but it was only going to be used if it was deemed necessary and we couldn't know. 

Another three hours later we finally left the DA's office and were going to meet Jackson for dinner. I felt odd about going out to eat, it's something I haven't done since I was 7. I nudged Connor and gave him a worried look, he let out a soft chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. 

"I forgot how long it's been since you have done this" He stated looking down at me, "It's just weird I guess. We went from being so poor we couldn't eat out to a family with such a good life they don't feel the need to" I explain, he nods and walks us to a table where Jackson was already sitting. 

I take the seat next to Connor at the end and let everyone converse without me, it's been a long day. Maybe I should text Carter, but he is probably busy doing whatever popular football players do. 

The rest of dinner went fine, I only spoke when someone asked me a question and everyone knew today took a toll on me. I thanked Dana and Daniel for dinner and followed them out of the restaurant. As we walked out a familiar mop of black hair caught my eye, then my eyes met his.

There was Carter sitting at a table with Julia smiling, his smile dropped as he saw me but made no attempt to come talk to me. I forced myself to look away and follow Jackson to his truck. The ride back the boys talked as I stared out the window. 

Was Carter on a date with Julia?

And why her of all people? She is mean, twofaced, and a total bitch. I'm no saint myself, but she is on a whole new level of bitch. I decided to let go what I saw for now, I had more pressing matter to deal with at the moment.


Next two days felt like a blur, I avoided Connor, Jackson, and their friends. I hadn't gotten a single text from Carter or anything, but I'm not surprised. I felt nothing really, but I refuse to go to Carter. I already figured out what happened, I was a game to him. Something to keep him busy, and it honestly isn't surprising. My whole life I have been used as merely an object, I knew what we had was to good to be true. 

And now I have to get ready for court, to testify against my own father because he murdered my mother. 

I straightened my hair, put on a dark blue dress that fell down just before my knees, and a distressed black denim jacket. I kept my makeup light, the lawyers told me it's best for me to look child like as possible to get the juries sympathy, and I did well looking younger. My appearance could easily pass as a 14 year old, and not my true age of 17. 

A soft knock rang on my door and Daniel was leaning in the doorframe. "Hey kiddo" I give him a weak smile in return. 

"I'm not going to lie to you, today is going to be shit. But just know, no matter what happens, me and Dana won't give up on you or your brother. We have every intention of you being apart of this family for the rest of our lives, but we don't know what your dad will reveal today. And that's scary, hell it terrifies me. But no matter what comes out, your are our kid. Got it?" I nodded in response to his speech and looked back down. It was strange having someone tell me I was theirs that wasn't Carter. I had gotten used to accepting his love, but it seems like it wasn't real now. "Let's get this over with" I finally say, Daniel smiles at me and walks out. I put my pair of black converse and walk downstairs. 

What I wasn't expecting to see was all of the boys friends in the living room, my heart sunk when I saw Carter looking right at me. My eyes quickly found the floor in front of me as I beelined for the kitchen to get some coffee. "Hey beans" I laughed at the old nickname Connor had given me when we were just 6 years old. 

"Hi Mango" I said turning around to lean against the counter, he smiled at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "Remember how we came up with them?" I smirked my brother, he nodded and let out a chuckle. "Mhm, you started bullying me cause I didn't like mango, but then you lost your shit when I brought up you not liking baked beans" I laughed remising our childhood. Then the wave of what was happening today crashed over me quickly dissolving my laughter. 

"Hey it's going to be ok, and literally all of me and Jackson's friends are going to be there for support and protection" I nod and look down at his words, it was sweet that the boys were coming along. But it also meant they the would hear every bit of me and Connors past. "Did something happen between you and Carter? You seem a bit off and so does Carter." I sigh and have a battle against myself, he is my twin so he should know what is going on in my life, but Carter is one of his best friends and I don't want to be the reason they start fighting. But then again he is my brother. 

"The night we went out to eat I saw Carter and that whore from school there, together. And Carter knew I saw them, but he hasn't even tried to explain himself and I'm not gonna go beg for one" I shrug and take another drink of the hot dark liquid. He sighs and kissed the top of my head, "I'm sorry beans, but don't let his dumbass get to you" He smiled, I nod and place my now empty mug in the sink. 

I quietly follow everyone outside of the house and get in the front seat of Dana's car, the boys follow behind us and I feel my stomach rise to my throat the closer we got to the court house. I hated to admit it but I'm scared.

Scared of what my dad is capable of.

Scared of what the reactions are going to be of what I say.

Scared of what my dad's lawyer will ask me.

And most of all I'm scared of what else he could be hiding.

"It's going to be ok sweetheart, the lawyers are good at what they do and he can't hurt you" Dana tries to console me, I nod and give her a smile before focusing on the passing world outside of the window. Today is going to be interesting.

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