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Carter's POV

 Jackson, Blake, and I sat on the beach for about an hour, a pit was forming deep in my stomach. Jackson wouldn't tell us what was going on, even though his mom had texted him. So we decided to go back to the house, it's been over an hour and Dana probably won't care if we just hang in Jackson's room. 

The Adam's house is normally happy and a calming place, but now something heavy was leaning on everyone. It was depressing, Dana was rubbing her face, Daniel looked extremely worried. Connor was at the table and looked like he was crying, but Kate was no where to be seen. "Go find Kate, we got Connor" Jackson whispers to me, I nod and go up the stairs. She is probably in her room. And hopefully not hurting herself over whatever just happened. 

As I approach her door, the more worried I get. Kate was a strong person who can take a lot, but everyone has a breaking point and something tells me this was hers. I knock her door, the only response I get is panting like she can't breathe. I throw up the door and see her rocking in the corner, shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. 

She was having a panic attack.

I rush down beside her and pull her into my arms, she cries even harder and looks around yet not focusing on anything. It physically hurt seeing Kate like this, I tried thinking of things I could do besides telling her she was safe. Then I remember what my teacher did for me when I used to have panic attacks. I knew she was starting to register my words as I spoke, finally I started asking her to tell me what she saw, could touch, hear, smell, and taste. With very shaky words she did, her breathing started to normalize. She looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and tried to smile. Kate looked completely exhausted, her small frame sunk deep into me and she ran her fingers along my arm. 

"I think it's time for bed" I state, I gently lift Kate off the ground and to her bed. I managed to undo her covers before placing her head on the pillow. With a kiss on the head I started to walk out to let her sleep, but she grabs my hands and asks me to stay. I slide next to her and she snuggles into me, I smile down at her. Her worried, scared expression had faded, the only sign she had been upset was her tear stained cheeks. I stroked her cheek before falling asleep myself.

The next morning I woke up to see Kate asleep on my chest, she is lightly holding onto my shirt making sure I don't leave. I push a piece of her hair away from her perfect face and watch her peacefully sleep. She was so perfect, with her beautiful button nose, her soft pink lips, her long full eyelashes, and basically everything about her was perfect. But sadly under that beautifully exterior was a girl who was broken and I had no idea how to help heal her. Kate started mumbling something before turning over on her stomach and using my arm are a pillow. A smile grows on my face watching Kate use me as her personal pillow, it was amazing having her trust me so much.  

Her steel eyes finally open and meet mine, "Hey gorgeous" I smile at her, her own smile forms are her face. "Hi" She says quietly before hiding her face in my side, I let out a soft laugh and stroke her back. Kate sits up and stretchers, I grab my phone to check my texts. Jackson had texted me about Kate, I responded telling him she was ok considering the situation. I set my phone back down and turn to Kate, her back is tensed up and her breathing is rapid again. 

I instantly sit up and call out her name, finally she snaps out of it and looks at me with teary eyes. I pull her into my chest, "Sorry I just zoned out for a minute" she explains while running her hands down her face. My grip tightens as I watch her carefully, "Do you want to talk about it?" I genuinely wanted to know what was going on. But I know Kate, she isn't the type to spill her life story to everyone. Then again I am her boyfriend and someone she trusts, so maybe she will tell me, but I don't expect her to. She looks at me and nods yes before turning herself in my arms to face me. Kate was now in a ball looking at me with an almost regretful look, I shake it off and wait for her to start.  

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