Chapter 26: Runes Ruin Everything

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Pam bit her lip as she looked out over the city, which was currently in the middle of an emergency evacuation, the fight clearly heard even from this far away. She couldn't see much besides rising smoke and the occasional blast or explosion, but the violent trembles that shook through the ground were telling enough. Carla was somewhere nearby, arguing about how the police needed to do something to help NightHawk and the other guy helping him, but the officers shrugged and said, 'This was a job for hero's only.' How ironic that, unbeknownst to them, one of the people currently handling this job was actually a villain. Though- Pam thought with a smile- she wasn't so sure he was much of a villain anymore.

"Is that all you got?!" Edward grunted with a smirk as he pried himself off the ground, ignoring the glass that dug into his hands. It wasn't all she had, apparently, as another Smog slammed him to the ground, winding its way around his ankle and dragging him up over the– Oh boy, that was really high up. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. Don't panic; just think of something else. Easy. Uh, pie, Micheal's eyes, Pam, that time Micheal tried that hot sauce, the blender incident–

"My, I wonder what would happen if you fell from that high up? What do you think, Mike? I think it'd be messy." Visne chuckled darkly.

"I think you should sh-shut up!" Edward yelled, heart pounding.

"And I think you should focus on the real reason you're here; Me," Micheal yelled, and Edward just knew he was glaring. Visne laughed.

"So full of yourself, aren't you? You think all of this," She gestured at the destruction around them. "Is just about you? You don't think maybe it's about him, too?" He could see her jut her chin up at him with a sneer, being upside-down only twisting her face more. He gulped, feeling lightheaded.

"What do you mean?" Micheal glared, walking closer to her. She smiled a falsely-sweet smile.

"You took everything from me; My clients, my reputation, my sanity. I plan on taking just. As. Much. From you." Edward yelped as the shadow dropped him, the world flying by in a blur before coming to a sudden stop, though it definitely didn't feel like the ground. He peeled open his eyes and saw Micheal, looking furious above him. He pursed his lips. Oh great, he was caught in the hero's arms right in front of the villain. Talk about embarrassing.

"You aren't going to do anything except go BACK to the loony bin!" Micheal ground out, placing Edward on the ground without so much as glancing at him. At this, Visne's face darkened, the Smog's coming and slithering around her as she stepped toward them, unzipping the front of her suit.

"I'm not going back there. Ever again. You have no idea how bad this situation is. No idea what I plan to do to you both." Her voice, so wild and bubbly before, was stern and calm as she revealed her bare chest, though it wasn't bare at all; There was a sort of... marking there, glowing faintly white. It looked like a rune. She grinned viciously at them, and Edward felt Mike tense up beside him.

"Go ahead, boys, take your best shot." Edward hesitated, knowing the rune clearly meant something, but Micheal shot forward without a second thought, moving at lightning-fast speed and punching her face in an explosion of green electricity. Visne barely faltered, lips drawn up wickedly and pupils now glowing an eerie white. She stuck out her lower lip when Micheal gaped in shock.

"Aw, that stung a Lil. Don't you know you shouldn't hit a lady?" She kicked him, and he flew down the street, rolling before crashing into an abandoned truck. Her back was to Edward, and he took the time to come in from behind, running with both arms lit up in flames. She saw him and watched with a bored expression as he pounced on her, except– He looked around in confusion. Where did she go? His explosion had met thin air, Visne nowhere to be seen. He spun around just in time for the Smog to wrap around his throat, dragging him up and up, and oh Gods, they were still going up–!

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