Chapter 32: Guess This Is An Epilogue (Whatever That Is)

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"Come on; we're gonna be late!"

"Ok, ok, hold on a sec!" Mike crouched down to fill up the bowl with water, petting the small black kitten's head affectionately.

"Be a good girl."

"Mi-i-i-ke~!" He stood up and followed Edward out the door, locking it behind him and placing a kiss on Edward's cheek, chuckling as he scowled. They were leaving to spend some quiet time together before going on their first big patrol since the fight later tonight, and it was clear they were both a little nervous. Edward especially had been antsy ever since it had been announced that Antennes was no longer a villain. He'd decided he wanted to keep the name after talking with Micheal about it one night, saying that Antennes was a part of him, and therefore not something he could give up. Mike had been hesitant but eventually agreed, and a few days later, Antennes was spreading the word. The public didn't believe it at first, called it a trick, but when a month went by with Antennes having done nothing but help and with NightHawk backing him up, people started to accept it. There were still plenty of people who doubted him and plenty more who hated his guts, but none of them mattered. At least, that's what Edward claimed. Mike made sure to offer up encouragement anyway, just in case.

"I still can't believe you named her Hotdog of all things. I mean, really? That was the best you could come up with?" Ed ranted, hands flying as Mike drove their new car downtown. After the fight, with his secret identity having been let out at the hospital, the governor had stepped in to offer him not only some privacy, making sure no one outside of hospital staff got that information, but also a reward as a thank-you for his service. He'd refused, of course, but the governor had been insistent and basically forced Mike to take at least one thing as payment. Whatever he wanted. It was Ed who'd come up with the idea for a car. Mike had to admit; it was some pretty good thinking.

"I like it. Hotdog is a good name."

"Not for a cat!" Ed laughed. Mike smiled, taking a left turn, taking them away from the city.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Ed asked.

"You'll see. We should be there soon. How's your family doing?" They'd just left a week ago, which had been a very teary-eyed event, and Mr. and Mrs. Maes had been calling almost every day.

"Oh, good. I finally got them to agree to call just once every week. No calls so far, so we'll see. When are you set to go back to work." Mike gripped the steering wheel tighter, driving down a narrow road surrounded by forest. It was winter, but it was a surprisingly nice day outside, the sun shining through grey clouds. He pulled up and stopped the car, getting out and taking a deep breath.

"We're here!" Edward looked around at the snow-covered trees and open clearing, an abandoned barn sitting a few yards away. Mike laid out a large blanket over the snow and unpacked the beer and sandwiches he'd brought, sitting down and patting the space next to him. Ed sat slowly, accepting the food and drink.

"What do you think?" Mike asked.

"It's nice. Quiet. Exactly what we needed." He smiled. "Thanks. You still didn't answer my question, though. About work."

"Yeah, I know. I wanted us to get settled first. I've meant to talk to you about this for a while. I'm going to be doing hero work full time. I'd get paid for it, once a month, just because we'll still need income, you know? I'd talked with the governor about it." Ed gaped, sitting up straighter.

"Really? When?"

"After we asked for the car. I'd done some thinking and it... It made sense, you know? I don't feel like getting yelled at over the phone anymore." He joked. Ed smirked.

"Ah, you prefer getting yelled at face-to-face?" Mike shrugged.

"Maybe. There was something else, though." He turned to face Edward, eyes questioning.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be a full-time hero, too? With me." Edward's eye widened.

"Really? Like... Your sidekick?" Mike laughed.

"Wha– No! No, like a partner. A team. NightHawk and Antennes." Edward's eyes glistened.

"Do you really think that could work?"

"I do." They stared at each other for a moment. Finally, Edward nodded, a small smile on his face. He lifted his bottle expectantly.

"To the future!" Mike beamed, clinking the neck of his bottle with Edward's.

"To the future."

Things were gonna be just fine.

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ The End ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

[Wow, so I suppose that's it, then! I... Am actually very sad to see this story end. You guys, my readers, have been AMAZING and have seriously motivated me through this. I made up Two Idiots without much thinking and almost 0 planning, inspired by nothing more than a Pinterest writing prompt. I had no real plot, wrote out chapters in a day or less, and just poured in a lot of love and a little bit of Grammarly. I never expected this to get much attention. Never even thought I'd finish it. But here we are, at the end. I hope I've tied up loose ends and left you all feeling satisfied as to where our beloved characters are going. Man... I really am sad... Guess the only way to remedy that is...


Oh yeah, guys, it ain't over 'til it's over! I want you guys to tell me what you'd like to see in a sequel, as well as give some ideas for a good plot because it's happening, baby. As well as this, I'll be writing random little one-shots of these two; Snippites of their lives and shenanigans and such. Look out for future birthday, Christmas, and Valentine's Day specials as well! Guess that's it then, for now. Thank you all again!


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