Chapter 13: Retransformation

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Peter's POV:

"I bet you already know the cure. You just don't want to admit it yet."

That bastard.

His words played on repeat in my head. Over and over and over again, I heard his sing-songy voice mocking me.

I dedicated every waking moment I had to researching the cure. If I wasn't aiding Rowan (since she was unable to walk on her own without her staff), or managing the boys, I was reading.

The answer was so clear in every, single one.

True Love's Kiss.

What a bunch of bullshit.

I didn't even know who her true love was. And the thought of watching another boy kiss her send waves of fury through me for some inexplicable reason. So I continued to search for another reason.

"Rumple had said that he had struck a deal," I thought aloud to Rowan who was nestled in a little nest of blankets that I shaped for her since she couldn't do much else. It had been almost a month, and I've been over this a thousand times with her. But, there wasn't much else to do. So, rather than stand around helplessly, I would continue to chase my own tail like a dog, undoubtedly to Rumple's amusement.

"There are far too many people who call themselves my enemies to pick just one who would specifically single me out. So... who can you think of would go out of their way to harm you?" I spun to face the graceless girl-turned-swan. I've never seen a swan shrug before, so I can't formally attest, but Rowan did some sort of ruffling of her feathers that looked an awful lot like a shrug. So I took it as a shrug.

I turned my back to her and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Over the past three weeks, we had achieved nothing other than hurting her. I learned that no magic can affect her. Nothing. I tried to do a spell that would allow her to speak, and it only hurt her. I attempted to link our thoughts, and it caused her to writhe in pain. Absolutely nothing worked.

I've never felt more frustrated or more helpless.

Or more angry.

Who would dare lay any sort of ill wish on my lost girl? Whoever they were, wherever they were... they were going to pay. They can't even imagine the kinds of tortures I have in store for them. The pain they will experience will be worse than anything in existence. They are going to suffer like no one has suffered before.

A gentle honk drew me from my sadistic rabbit hole. I spun to face her. She was looking at me with as much concern as a swan could. Which isn't saying very much, but somehow I knew. I just shook my head and clenched my teeth.

Oh, yes, they were going to suffer for even thinking of my Rowan.

A week passed and finally the day of her re-transformation arrived. We had planned for her to change in the waterfall pool where the boys usually bathe. It would be at night and I threatened any other boys who even considered coming near with tying them to a tree in the middle of the dark forest for 24 hours. They'd stay away.

I had draped clothes around her and on the bank I left a moss towle and her staff. I didn't leave though.

But I didn't stick around close enough to be perverse. I had this feeling that if I left, something would happen to her again, and I couldn't allow that. I wouldn't allow that. So I camped high in a tree nearby so I wouldn't invade her privacy and looked on.

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