Chapter 6: Consequences

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Rowan's POV: 

𝐈 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐎 dogs back to camp on my own. It took about three hours, but I somehow managed. It was quite a task. But, I was grateful for those three hours, for they allotted me time to process what just had taken place.

"Do you really think I would've come to help you if I wanted you dead?"

His voice echoed over and over again within the confines of my mind.

Pan hates pirates. Of course he probably wants me dead. Maybe not now, but later. But yet... the sense of urgency in which he came to my aid. The look in his eye once his trick with the staff worked.

So many of his actions were a cause to question.

Such as leaving me, a wounded girl, here with 6 dead wolf bodies to bring back to camp for food.
I shoved all of my questions aside and reminded myself that I was the only one who could look out for me. I was the only one I could trust. With that, I continued the struggle of supporting myself with my staff and dragging two, giant, dead monsters behind me.

Once I had arrived at my destination, the boys hurried around my wolves like savages. They seized the carcasses and dragged them off to be butchered.

I managed to let a few boys who weren't preoccupied cutting up dead beasts know where the rest of the animals lay and sent them off to go fetch them before we had other issues.

At that moment, I was finally able to sit down and relax. The moment my arse hit the giant log that I had chosen, was the moment that my leg had chosen to complain. I looked down and examined it and saw fresh blood. I felt it throbbing and the pain had returned.

I cursed and attempted to go to my hut to fix myself. I realized a little too late that I did not have my staff in my hand to support me, and when I applied weight to my leg, it gave out. I would've gone crashing to the ground, but Pan happened to be standing in front of me. So, instead of hitting the grass, I hit the King of Neverland's ass  

I grunted in pain and tried to steady myself. I looked up at him, hoping he wasn't angry because, honestly, I do not think that I could handle that in this moment in time.

I was met with a lazy smile and eyes that were twinkling with mischievous amusement.
"It appears that you have literally fallen for me."

I scoffed at his answer and ventured to shove him away and storm off.

Alas, my leg did not agree to my dramatic act rebellion and only caused me to nearly topple backwards. If it weren't for Pan who reached out and caught me, I probably would've received a concussion from the log which I had stood up from.

"Thanks," I grumbled, annoyed at my ailment.

He simply smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist. My stomach was in knots as he walked me over to the place where my staff rested and picked it up.

He examined it once in his hand.

"Quite brilliant split second thinking on my part, I'd say. Great handiwork, all things considered." He praised himself.

I said nothing. I did nothing.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye and handed it to me. "Darling, I think that you really should educate yourself on what resides within the circumference of these trees. It'd be a shame if one day yours truly didn't show up to save you."

I snatched my staff and promptly separated myself from him.

"And how exactly would one do that? There isn't an ounce of intelligence on this island."

𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 ⎈ 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now