1- The audition

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Y/n pov

I'm tired of all these daily arguments. I feel like dying. I don't want to live anymore. Why did I have to be the ugly one in my family. Why did I have to have so many problems.

My sister is the only one who supports me. I wish my parents could understand me a little. I went of to sleep while crying.

I woke up in the morning with a headache and my eyes swollen because of all the crying. It's nothing new of course. I cry almost every day.

I go to school and come back. Nothing happened cause I'm not very interested in school. As I was eating my lunch I got a notification. I did not look at my phone cause I know I would be cursed more if I check my phone while eating.

After I finish eating I went to my room and checked the notification. Big Hit Entertainment is going to hold online auditions. I was very happy but then soon the happiness drowned out because either know I will never be supported. I cried more.

I woke up when I my sister came in my room.

'What are you doing y/n?, how was your day at school today?'

I did not answer her cause my throat was sore. She came near me and held my chin making me look at her.

' I've told you so many times, don't cry, what happened today did they say something to you again? '

' No, I got a notification saying Big Hit is holding auditions '

' That's amazing y/n. You can audition, I'm sure you will get selected!!!'

' What are you even talking about, haven't you seen my acne. I have acne all over my back and my face, why do you think they will take such an ugly girl '

You said while smiling bitterly.

' I already said they you are not ugly. You are the most beautiful in my eyes'

She said while smiling.

'Even if I audition, and suppose by chance I got selected, do you really think our parents will let me go? '

I said and a tear trickled down my face.

'I have a plan, but promise me first you will listen to it '

'OK I will '

'Listen I have been saving some money for quiet some time since I know there will be one day when we need it, so you audition for it and if u get selected I will do whatever it takes to send you to Korea '

' But what about you? '

'Shh don't you worry about me I can take care of myself alright. Now when are you planning to record your auditions? '

'Aren't mom and dad going out of town for a wedding today? '

' Yes they are but we have to go with them'

'I guess not '

You said and grinned.

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