2 - My plan worked

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I was thinking on how to make my parents let me stay at home. Then I got an idea. I was really happy cause I was sure it will work.
'Y/n come out for dinner'
My mom called me.

I washed my face and headed out.

'You do remember that we have to go for the wedding today right? '

'Yes mom'

My sister said. I continued eating my food quietly. Everyone had almost finished eating their dinner so I thought it was the right time to carry out my plan.

'Please excuse me'

I said while placing my one hand on my mouth pretending to puke and the other on my stomach. I ran towards my room and close the door. I went inside and made sound of puking. Then I poured the vomit mixture I had made and purrs it in the washroom and a little on the floor.

I came out with a little puke on the side of my lips.

'What'swrong with you? '

My mom asked angrily.

'I don't think I can travel in this state '

'What do you mean by that? You just puked nothing else, you are alright '

'Are you blind or can you not see. I puked almost my whole body out while being on my periods. Done you think this is normal??!!!! '

I intentionally mentioned my periods so that they get a little a tensed and my plan worked.

'Whatever. We are not going to stay here. You can go to your friends house or live here alone. But don't you dare invite someone over. Cause if you do you will face the consequences! '

My dad said with the most disgusted look on his face.

I went back to my room and celebrated my little happiness. Then I pretended to be asleep. I heard my sister comes in my room and say that they are leaving and will return after two or three days. I just nodded.

After I heard the door being closed and ran out of my bedroom and jumped around the whole house.

I quickly got to work. I started by deciding on which song I will dance. After a lot of thinking I decided to do a self choreography on serendipity by Jimin. I practiced hard. I removed the mirror and placed it in front of me to make my moves clear.

After a lot of practicing I decided to shoot telhe dance. I wore this while recording my dance

I recorded my dance and by luck I got it in 10-11 takes

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I recorded my dance and by luck I got it in 10-11 takes.

After that I practiced a little singing and recorded my singing video. As it was too late and I was tired I decided to edit and upload it tomorrow. I went to sleep after cleaning everything up.

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