5 - My dream

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I heard someone calling my name. I looked behind and saw it was a man wearing a mask. I did not seem to recognize him though.

Namjoon: Kook why are you here so early?

Wait by Kook did the meant the Kook. The Jeon jungkook. The kookie??!!!
It's OK y/n calm down. You are in big hit now what do you expect

jungkook: I had some work. So I came early but is that really y/n. Wasn't she supposed to come after two days?

I was kinda shocked how namjoon and jungkook both of them knew my name.

Namjoon: Yep it's her.

Y/n: Umm.. Hello.

I said while giving him a bow.

Jungkook: Hello to you too! I'm gonna head to the studio. I guess namjoon hyung will tell you what you have to do.

Namjoon: Yes I already did. I'll join you later go ahead first.

Jungkook: Bye.

Namjoon and y/n: Bye bye.

Namjoon: You can go to the lounge room. No one will disturb you there. When all the staff and members are here I'll come and wake you up.

Y/n: OK thank you once again. Bye

Namjoon: Bye.

Time skip to after four hours. 10:00

I was sleeping peacefully till I felt someone waking me up.

Y/n: Who is it??!! Please let me sleep for...... Two........... more............

After saying that I closed my eyes again. I am sure I felt someone said cute but I was asleep. It could be the Kim taehyung in my dreams saying that I'm cute. Wait Kim taehyung. Bangtan. Wait one minute.

I'm in big hit. Oh man holy shit. How can I forget. I quickly get up and try to come back to my senses.

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry. I thought I was in home. I was still yawning and rubbing my eyes.

After I opened my eyes I saw it was jungkook waking me up.

jungkook: Oh no it's ok I get it. You must've have had a bad sleep in the plane. It's not very comfortable sometimes there.

Y/n: Yep. It wasn't very comfortable.

Jungkook: The washroom is there towards your left you can freshen up there. I'll wait here for you.

Y/n: OK Thank you. I'll be quick.

I said and went to the washroom with my bag. I took a shower before when I came before going to sleep so I only need to fresh up today.

Time skip to in the meeting room.

I was really nervous I could see there were some other teenagers who looked like the selected trainees standing a little far away from me.

I was waiting for my name to be called out. I waited but me name was not called out. After everyone was done my name was called. I was relieved but scared at the same time.

I went in and saw. The guys who made want to be alive. Who helped in my darkest time without them knowing. My idols, my inspiration bangtan sonyeondan.

I went in and they asked me to sit down on my seat.

Namjoon: Guys this is y/n most of us already know her and I guess kookie and you have already talked to each other.

Jungkook: Yes we did.

He said and flashed me a smile. I didn't know why but I felt safe . I felt I made the right decision.

Yoongi: I don't think we need to introduce ourselves. Or should we?

He asked me with warming smile.

Y/n: no it's ok I already know you.

Jimin: Y/n you very talented and all of us saw your audition videos many time. Why did you never audition before? It would have been a benefit for you.

Y/n: Ummm..... actually.... it was mostly because of personal reasons.

I lied and gave them a smile which they returned back happily. But taehyung didn't he just kept on staring at me. I felt like he was looking deep inside me and knows that I lied.

I brushed it of .

Hoseok: Y/n , we don't need to interview you actually. We already went through your details and you have been selected. Is there anything you want to say to us before you start your training?

I was nervous should I tell them about my acne. I cannot keep it a secret forever right.

Y/n: Um. there is one thing. But if I tell you about it I'm not sure if you will accept me.

I said and looked down sadly.

Taehyung: Think of us as your friends and don't hide anything. If you are not comfortable to tell us we can call a female staff.

I knew it was wrong to hide such a big thing so I decided to tell them.

Y/n: This may sound weird but it is necessary I inform you about it. You must've noticed that I have acne on my face which is not a very beautiful trait in K-pop industry. But I have acne all over back and shoulders too. I don't think it looked very pretty when I wear sleeveless clothes. It's totally ok if u don't want me here. I'll return back home. I'll be happy that I got to meet all of you.

I said and looked down and tear left my eyes.

Hoseok: Hey hey, don't cry!

He said and came near me. I lightly patted my back.

Hoseok: it's nothing to be ashamed of. And do you really think that your acne is more that you talent. It's your talent that made us accept you. Not your face or body.

Namjoon: Yes y/n. If you are an army I'm sprung we have asked all our army's to love themselves and that the only thing that matters is themselves.

I looked up and smiled at them.

Y/n: Thank you so much. All of you. But still, as far as I know I don't think K-pop trainees can always wear fully covered clothes. While performing and training.

Jungkook: Don't worry we already have a solution to that. But before that someone has to see how bad your condition is. So, I'll book an appointment with my personal doctor. And V hyung do you mind taking her there?

Taehyung: Yes sure. Message me the date and timing of the appointment. For now I'll take you to your dorm.

Y/n: OK thank you once again.

Namjoon: Cover your face taehyung and be careful no one notices you.

Taehyung: Yes I will don't worry. Your bags are in the lounge room right?

Y/n: Yes.

Taehyung: Let's go then what are you waiting for?

Y/n: ok

The other members: Drive safe Taehyungaah

Taehyung: Yessssssssssssss !!!!!!!

All of us burst into laughter.

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