4 - Run

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I was devastated. The one thing that I wished for happened but I can't go. I couldn't be more broken. I heard my door opening. My sister came in.

'Y/n you OK?
'Yes I'm OK. Leave me alone I just need some time alone. '

'Wait I have an idea. You will go to big hit. '

'What are u even talking about y/s/n. You already know of how hard he hit me. Didn't you see it'

'Who said we are gonna talk to them'

'What do you mean. Get to the point. '

'See I already knew this day was gonna come. And I knew this was gonna happen. So I've been saving some money for you seperately.'

I was shocked hearing this. She loves me so much. I never behave nicely towards her but still she wants to help me. Tears leave my eyes.

Hey hey y/n . Why are you crying don't cry?!! '

'Why are you so nice to me. I don't deserve you. '

'OK now cut this all out. See, since they came from outside today they will be very tired. So today is the perfect day to run. I'll book you an urgent flight to Korea. You directly go to entertainment. Take pepper spray when u reach there to save yourself from strangers. '

'But what about you. What if they hit you after they get to know you helped me?! '

'Don't worry. I've already made arrangements for me. '

She went to get her laptop.

'OK so I can book you an economy class ticket. Niceeee there's just two seats left. I booked you a window seat ok. '

'What about my passport?'

'I already took it out in the evening'
She said and winked at me. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

'I love you. Thank you for helping me '

'Aww baby I love you too'

She said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Time skip to after two hours

I finished packing my clothes and booked a cab for me. It was my first time travelling alone. But I was going to go for my dream.

'Y/n your flight is at 1:00. It's 10:30 now. I think you should leave. I can only come with u till the airport, but I cannot stay till u board your flight. '

'Don't worry it's ok. I'll do it by myself '

'Aww my little sister is all grown up now. I'll miss you. I don't know how I'll handle these two. '

'If anything happens just call me. I don't care I'll come back to protect you '

'OK sure my little superman!!, now let's go you're getting late '

Time skip to in the plane

I was so nervous. Thank God no one is sitting beside me. I asked the air hostess and she said its an empty seat. We were going to take of, I put all my devices away and take a deep breath. We take of successfully.

Time skip to after landing

I got of the plane and took my luggage. I went outside and saw some cabs standing there. I asked one of them to drop me to big hit entertainment. He looked kinda shocked but took me there. We reached there safely. I saw that the company was closed.

Nothing bad could happen now. What did I even expect. Of course it was closed. It is literally six in the morning. I decided to sit near the company. Some weird were giving me glances but I ignored them.

I waited for I guess two hours. I saw someone coming towards me. I put my hands in my pocket to where my pepper spray was.

Unknown : Excuse me. But why are you sitting here it's not very safe. And by your looks I don't think you are form here.

I let my guard down. I felt very familiar with that voice and I swear I've heard it before.

Y/n: Um.. Actually I'm here to go in big hit. But it's not open yet.

Unknown: I don't think they let strangers inside. And I think you know the reason as you know about big hit.

Y/n: Yes but I know someone in there so I am here to meet with them.

I lied because he was an unknown person.

Unknown: Oh ok then.

He said and started walking towards the big hit building. I looked confused. He turned around to face me and said.....

Unknown: Oh yes I forgot. I actually work here. So I can take you inside but I'll need some proof that you know someone in here.

He said while smiling at me. I didn't know what to do. Then I thought that I'll ask for his ID first and then show my acceptance email.

Y/n: How do I know that you work here? You could be just some random guy

I said while emphasizing the word I.
Suddenly he started come towards me. He came very close to me and removed his mask. That's it. I was dead. IT WAS FUCKING KIM NAMJOON. THE HOLY NAMJESUS. OH MY GOD. I FUCKING ASKED THE KIM NAMJOON TO SHOW ME HIS ID.

Namjoon: I guess you can trust me now. And don't worry about your ID. I already know you. If I'm right your name is Y/n ?

Y/n: Yes... It... Is

Oh my fucking God why am I stuttering. After I said that I just heard him lightly chuckle. I followed him. We went inside and this is it. My dream place. Where all my dreams will come true now.

Namjoon: Isn't it dreamy?

Y/n: Yes it is very!

Namjoon: That's what i thought when I first came. Btw you can take rest in the lounge room. I see you haven't slept much.

Y/n: Thank you so much I really need it.

Namjoon: Your welcome. Go straight ahead, then take a right the most brightest room will be the lounge room.

Y/n: OK thanks once again.

??: Y/n?

I did I cliffhanger for the first time to make it interesting.. Hope you like it. Comment down and tell me who you think it is. 💜💜💖💖💜💜

Ignore the mistake please I'm too lazy to check the spellings hehe

Chance - Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now