Chapter 3

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Ravens Pow:
'I was on a date last night with this amazing girl, she is so wow. So we have known each other for a long time now, what can it be, like 3 years. We have never been really close but earlier this year we started to get a little closer, I mean now you can say that we are friends but earlier we wasn't. We know each other because of some classes we have together and common friends, we are in the same friend group. It's weird that we weren't really friends before, I mean we were in the same friend group and we barely talked to each other, but now you guys. We have been on a date and we have plans for a second one, I can't believe it'
I press send and leave my computer, I'm not that popular, not in person and not online but I have a few readers on my blog. I would be so embarrassed if someone found my blog, it's like a diary to me. I mean I write anything and nothing there. The few readers I have is very supportive and cheers me on all the time, I mostly write about school stuff and how I'm doing, if I'm stressed or anything but lately I've started to write a little about how I feel about Luna and what she means to me. It's so comforting to just write it out, but the thought of someone like Finn or his girlfriend Josephine finding it is always circling in my head and that makes me feel a lot of stress.

I wake up and it's Sunday, not again. I really don't like going to school, one because of Finn, two because of Josephine and three because of Finn and Josephines friend group. Well you can say that they are pretty scary. It's not that I'm bullied by them, they just say stuff and laugh at you but not all the time just sometimes, and by the way I have some pretty strong girls in my friend group who will happily beat them up a little. Just a little 🤏🏻. Lately tho I've started to get a little insecure because Josephine and Finn are always on me, they say pretty mean stuff and I really try to not think about and then I remember who my friends are and start to forget a little about how Finn and the others act towards me. I walk down to the kitchen, first I can't smell any burnt food or hear my father talk to himself for calming down. I can see a note on the counter, it from my dad. 'Hey kiddo, I had to go in early for work, make some breakfast and don't be late for school // Dad' I sigh and walk out the door, I lock it and starts to walk to school. On my way to school Finn and Josephine drives by as I walk, Josephine live a few blocks away from me so Finn always picks her up, they drive past me and yell some stuff that I can't quite hear because I'm listening to music. I ignore them and continue my walk to school. Me and Luna have common interests, we both like photography or lore specifically photography class, we get to spend time together there and that's always fun, but we both like taking pictures and then edit them. Our teacher had an assignment where we were supposedly take a photo and edit it, then we were to write a little about what the photo was about and what it meant. Our teacher turned in our photos to this competition thing where we could win a day with a professional photographer. I really want to win and if I don't I really hope Luna does.

I wait for class to start, I go in to the classroom and takes a seat, I wait for Luna to come. I can see her. I just smile and she smiles back. I can see her fist bump with Niylah and then she comes over to me to sit down besides me. We talk a little and then continues with class and when the days over I walk outside to meet up my dad. He said that he was going to make up for the other day when he couldn't make it to our special night. I walk up to my dad and we drive to McDonald's, on the way home we sit in silence for a while, it's like actually really weird.
"So you and Luna? You two a couple?" He ask and quickly looks at me and then back on the road.
"Yeah, no we are not a thing but" I say and just cut off, I don't know why but everything just gets so hard. I can't tell him that I'm gay, he's going to be devastated.
"But you like each other? That's good, I actually like her, I mean she's a good person from the little I've seen of her" he says and puts his hand on my hand and brush my hair.
"So your okay with it?" I ask, I'm just so scared that he's going to hate me.
"Of course honey, I wouldn't love you any less no matter what" he says and we both smile and the rest of the trip home is quiet but not awkwardly just good quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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