Chapter 2

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Lunas pow:
'So Lexa is my twin sister and in a few days it's our birthday, the thing is I have no idea on what to get for Lexa, we are so not alike. Nothing about us is alike, well except two things, sports ✅ and liking girls ✅. You can tell us apart since we are fraternal twins so I mean we don't like so much like each other either. My hair is long and curly, Lexas is long and wavy also the color is different, my hair is brown reddish with lighter tops and lexas is just brown. Any non blind person can also see that my eyes are brown and lexas are green, people always it's because Lexa was from the forrest and I was from the mud, yeah such a great thing to say to a child. No mental illness here, I'm completely fine. God who am I kidding. Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to talk about this because I get so invested and it all just blows mind into millions of little pieces and I just break. Well one good thing about my school, sorry I know I jump in my sentences and I often doesn't make any sense. But as I said one good thing about school except sports is this on girl, wow she's soo amazing. We have the same taste in music and our aesthetics are just the same, well almost. We both love music from the 70s, 80s, 90s and some from the 00s but wow it's like I've found my one true match. I have come to realize that I may have ADD orrrr ADHD but I don't know, well goodbye blog and I'll see you next something.'

I write in my blog but sometimes I lie a little and that because I don't want anyone to know that it's me that is blogging even tho I post names. I know.
Lexa comes running into my room and she has a confused look on her face.
"You are so dead" she says, I just look at her. I have no clue on what she is talking about.
"What" I say and look her in her eyes.
"Mom, I'm going to tell mom that I found something that is going to get you grounded for at least a million weeks" oh no, I know exactly what she found. She found my weed, mom can not know about this.
"No don't tell mom, I'll do anything you ask for a week, please don't tell mom" I kind of whisper, I don't want mom to find it, I will never be allowed to leave the house.
"MOM, can you come up here" she yells, I swear to god I'm going to kill this b!tch when she's sleeping.
"What is it girls, do not tell me you are fighting again" Anya says while looking at us and crossing her arms.
"Look what I found in Lunas backpack" Lexa says and shows mom what she found, she is so proud of herself for getting me intro trouble.
"Luna, seriously? Why? Come on we are going to have a talk. Only you and me" she says and takes me into my room.
"What is this Luna, why would you do this?" My mother asks calmly. I don't even say anything. I just look away.
"Luna come on, you can talk to me. How are you really doing?" She makes another attempt to get me to talk, I can feel a tear escape from my eye.
"I don't know, I just don't feel like I'm good enough. I'm failing some of my classes and I'm just not like Lexa, I'm from the mud remember" I say, I can't look at my mother. 
"Honey. Oh no of course you're not like your sister, you are choosing to go your way and that's all that matters. But this, doing this is not okay" she says and I face her, my mascara is all over my cheeks.
"Honey listen to me, don't be like your sister. You are supposed to be like you and no one is to tell you anything else. Your sister is not an angel god knows how many times I've at the principals office with that one. I don't thing I'm allowed to say this, but you are my favorite" my mother says and it causes me to laugh, she wraps me into her arms.

It's been a few hours since everything happened, I'm not going to speak to my b!tch of a sister for at least a week. Right now I'm going to meet up with Raven and get some positivity in my life. As I'm walking downstairs Lexa gets out of her room, she's following me downstairs. I put in my shoes, but right before I open the door she opens her mouth.
"Aren't you grounded, last I checked a person being grounded meant that they were not allowed to leave the house except for school"
I don't even answer her, I just walk out of the door and get into my car. Lexa can make me feel crazy and shit angry but also make me fell so good since we can have fun with each other and we love each, but lately something has changed in her, it all started when she broke up with Costia. But I don't want to think of my sister right now so I just turn up the volume of the music. As I drive I get a text from Raven asking me where I am, I answer her that I'm on my way. God this girl makes me feel so good.

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