Maybe I do like him

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It was 6am in the morning and you had woken up from the banging noises coming from the kitchen (no not sex noises you dirty minded bastard). You woke up Kiyoko who was sleeping next to you, Kiyoko had let out a groan as she got up

Kiyoko - y/n wtf It's way to early to be waking me up

Y/n - Shhhhh can't you hear that

There was a moment of silence as you both contiuned to hear the noises

Y/n - Should we go check it out

Kiyoko - You go

Y/n - What I'm not going by myself

Kiyoko - Just go dude

Y/n - Don't dude me, now hurry and get your ass up so you can come with me

Kiyoko - No go by yourself

You and Kiyoko both contiuned to argue, but after a while the noise seemed to stop, there again was silence as you looked at Kiyoko in the eye. You both had gotten up to go see why the noise stopped

Y/n - Oh so now you wanna get up

Kiyoko - Shut up

You rolled your eyes as you saw Kiyoko grab her broom

Y/n - Why did you get the broom

Kiyoko - What? I have to be catious

Y/n - Yeah sure just be catious in your own god damn house

You both walked to the entrance of the kitchen and you both stood at oppisite sides of the entrance, you could hear the footsteps of the person walking towards our way, you mouthed to Kiyoko

Y/n - Get ready to swing your broom

Kiyoko had nodded, you both waited till they got to the entrance as you saw their feet Kiyoko had swung her broom causing whoever it was to facepalm into the ground. You looked the person up and down *hold on*, you grabbed the person by the collar of there shirt as you lifted them up to see it was Tendou.

Y/n - Tendou wth are you doing here

Tendou - Isn't that a bit rude to say to somebody who cooked breakfast

Y/n - huh?

You had looked into the kitchen to see that Tendou had set up the table with food

Y/n - Um wow you didn't have to....wait that still doesn't explain how you got in

Kiyoko - Yeah I'm also a bit curious as to how you got into my house

Tendou - Oh Hinata called me over telling me that y/n wanted to talk to me so I came over, something about last night he said

*Maybe you should just ask him out on a date, I mean that is if you don't end up being a blushing mess*

Y/n - That bastard!

Tendou - Is there something wrong

Y/n - Oh of course not
you said while blushing and looking down

Tendou had walked up to and lifted your chin up gently as he made you stare into his dark red eyes

Tendou - You can tell me you know

You stared right back, you leaned him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

Y/n - After breakfast

You then walked to the table to get your food, Tendou was a blushing mess, he covered his face as he walked out of the kitchen *cute* you thought to yourself

Kiyoko - what happened to the "no lovey dovey" stuff saying you were talking about yesterday

Y/n - Well me and Tendou aren't a couple yet are we

Kiyoko stared at you surprised

Y/n - What

Kiyoko - You and Tendou aren't a couple "yet"

You then realized what you said

Y/n - Wait that didn't mean to come out like that, I swear!

Kiyoko - Sureeee it didn't

Y/n - Lets just eat

Kiyoko - What about the boys and Yachi

Y/n - Who cares

You said as you roughly shoved the food into your mouth

Um yeah this is a bit shorter than the rest since its like going to 1 in the morning. This story had about 680 words as for the others had 900-1000 so very sorry about that. Yh I'll do valentine special tomorrow since i'm not going to school. stay tuned! and I saw 2 comments on my lastest update that I saw just today that made my day so I decided to write this pt today shout out to you both (you know who you are). The valentine special will be spilt into 2 parts 1 for all you Tendo simps and the other for Maddog so hope you enjoy!

And thx for reading my story very much is appreciated

And sorry if there are any mistakes :)

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