The arguement

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Maddog's POV/thoughts

Y/n: Do you still love me Kentaro Kyotani?

I was kinda shocked by what y/n said. Do I still love her?, I mean we are still together right? We haven't actually broken up officially but me and y/n not being a "thing" bothers me. God what the fuck do I say No? Yes?....Maybe?. Oh fuck it

Nobodys POV

Kyotani - Um see y/n I-

Before Kyotani answered he glanced at Oikawa who was videoing whatever Kyotani was gonna say

Kyotani - Fucking hell Oikawa can you get lost

Oikawa scoffed

Oikawa - Anger issues much

He then clicked his tounge well walking away flipping some of his hair behind his ear (like a bad bitch ofc)

Kyotani was gonna go put him in his place till y/n grabbed his hand

Y/n - Can you stop getting distracted and answer my damn question

Kyotani - Right, see the thing is I still love you

Y/n's POV

You were kinda shocked but not at the same time. you let out a deep sigh

Y/n - I still love you too

Kyotani was beaming with joy by your response

Y/n - But do you really think that you should love me?

Kyotani - Huh wtf are you talking about

Y/n - I mean we've obviously cheated on each other and we really aren't quite affetionate towards each other, we get into alot fights over stupid things, do you really think that we should still be together?

Kyotani - Y/n just now I thought you said you fucking love me?

Y/n - I did bu-

Kyotani - No fucking buts!

You fliched as Kyotani yelled

Kyotani - Y/n...I love you and you love me isn't that enough?

Y/n - Well i'm just saying don't you think this is kinda...toxic

Kyotani - Y/n toxic is Daichi and his ex girlfriend before he started dating sugawara

Y/n - Well you gotta point, but still!

Kyotani - Still what y/n! You asked if I loved you and I said yes! why can't we just move on from this whole fucked up situation and go back to old times

Y/n - God Kyotani it's not that easy!

Kyotani - Yes it is!

Y/n - No it's fucking not what about Tendou!

Kyotani - What about him

Y/n - Well I mean c'mon I can't just forget about him

Kyotani - Don't tell me you actually like the dude?!?!

Y/n - I mean he was there for me....

Y/n - And he did take the bottle of milk to my dad
you mumbled

Kyotani - So what the hell are you trying to say

Y/n - Idk, I just....AHHHH this is so fucked up idk what i'm doing

you said as you held your hair real hard

Kyotani sighed, he carresed your cheek and said

Kyotani - I love you y/n, but you can't have......2 guys

you were a bit surprised

Y/n - Huh?

Kyotani - You know what I mean y/n you obviously have feelings for that god damn red haired freak, I have no idea why but you just do

You kinda blushed

Kyotani - And the way you just fucking blushed when I mentioned his name proves it, so y/n I'm just gonna come out and say it

you were really confused at this point

Kyotani - Your gonna have to choose me or red head

Your eyes then widened

Y/n - Hold on wtf you can't tell me to make that choice it's basically impossible, I don't want to hurt anyone

Kyotani - Well y/n this is fucking life and this desicion is due to all the various actions you've made

Y/n - My actions? MY ACTIONS? Sorry but none of this would have happened if you didn't kiss that girl. If you didn't kiss that girl I wouldn't of went to Oikawa for help, the party wouldn't of happened, me and Tendou wouldn't of danced and kiss, none of this would have happened if you didn't kiss that stupid girl!, so i'm not making any desicion, i'm gonna go and have some boy free time. I think thats whats best for me right now

Kyotani was really surprised by your response but he didn't dare to say anything he just let you walk away, but you stopped halfway and looked back at him

Y/n - We should break up.

Kyotani - yeah

and as simple as that your relationship was finally over, you have teary eyes and Kyotani clenching his fist as a few drops of tears slid down his face.

Kyotani - Fuck!

Kyotani said as he bit his lip.

Y/n's Thoughts

*Not wanting to hurt anyone my ass*

So from now on this story is going to update every sundays, and my other story I made of Levi and Eren is going to update every wednesdays so next week wednesday is when the next pt for the levi x eren one will come out. Thank you for all the reads!

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