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Both you and Tendou starring across to see Kyotani and Oikawa.

?!? - Um miss that would 3.50 please

Y/n - Oh um sorry just got a little distracted

you handed the cashier lady the money

?!? - Boy problems?

Y/n - Something like that

?!? - Well just some friendly advice you'll always have some obstacles in life and you'll always make mistakes that you can never go back too but just know it's never too late to learn from them

you starred at the lady for a whole 5 seconds feeling kind of......relieved, but you snapped out of your little transe

Y/n - Not to be rude or anything but why are giving advice to a stranger who's here to buy milk

The lady chuckled at your comment

?!? - Idk just thought of it in the sprung of the moment

Y/n - Wow real comforting

?!? - Ik

There was a silence till both you and the lady started to burst out laughing

Y/n - Thanks for the advice i'll put it to good use

?!? - You better and come back anytime if you got anymore problems

Y/n - Oh don't worry I will, see ya!

You and Tendou then walked off but you stopped

Tendou - Is there something wrong?

Y/n - No but I think I need to talk to someone

As you said that you starred straight at Kyotani looking straight into his eyes, Tendou noticed and he didn't wanna lose to some hot headed jerk

Tendou - Are you sure y/n you wanna do this? Think about everything he did to you!, Do you really need a repeat?!?

Kyotani could obviously hear the conversation you were having with Tendou and his blood was starting to boil real hard, that was until you said

Y/n - Of course I don't wanna repeat, and I think about what he did to me everyday, but after hearing what that cashier lady said I realized (yep your dumbass just realized) that after all the shit I did with you he must be feeling like crap so I kinda to him...I guess

Kyotani was a little surprised, hell even Oikawa was. Tendou then grabbed your gently making you look him in the eyes

Tendou - You sure bout this sweetheart?

Y/n - yeah I am

you said confidently

Tendou then grabbed the milk out your hands

Tendou - Look if something goes wrong give me call yeah?

Y/n - Ok

He then kisses your cheek before leaving with the milk. He walks past Kyotani and Oikawa basically giving them death stares, Kyotani gives the same energy back at him while Oikawa looks like hes about to shit his pants (he thinks it ain't showing on his face when it obviously is.) Kyotani then walks up to you and says

Kyotani - So you wanted to say something, what is it I ain't got that much time on my hands

He spoke kinda irritated

Y/n - Wow as cold as ever Maddog

Kyotani - Tch

You looked Kyotani deep in the eyes

Y/n - Do you still love me?

Kyotani then looked back at you with widen eyes and a light pink blush that was spreaed across his face

Y/n - Well?

Before Kyotani could utter anything out

Oikawa - Look not trying to ruin this awkward, kinda moody moment but I ain't got any money on me so one of you mind paying for my stuff?

Kyotani - What the hell was the point coming here if you don't even have money on you!

Oikawa - Well I was thinking you could pay for my stuff yk since I shouted you to ramen and everything

Kyotani - I never ASKED for your STUPID RAMEN!

Oikawa - Yeah but you still ate it

Kyotani - Why yo-

Y/n - I'll pay for it

Oikawa then had sparkles in his eyes at this point


You chuckled a little before going to the casheir and paying for the stuff

Y/n - Sorry for the wait and unexpected scene of a somewhat perfomance

?!? - Why are you sorry it's not everyday you get to see drama like this

Y/n - Ahahaha..ha um yeah I guess so um anyways we're gonna go now so sorry for the trouble

You then dragged Oikawa and Kyotani out of there and went to the nearest bench, before your fine ass could muster anything

Oikawa - Okay what do y'all think???

You and Kyotani were completly dumbfounded by the fact that this Oikawa little shit had red hair now due to the fact he used dry spray hair dye (don't know if this actually exists just made it up or whatever)

Y/n - What the hell is wrong with you

You said in a sarcastic kind of tone

Oikawa - I'm trying to get into the holiday spirit

Y/n - Sure you dimwit

Kyotani not even being surprised at this point started to look at you, at all those beautiful curves, how your eyes glistened, the way you smiled, how you laughed, he was admiring every beautiful feature of you

Y/n - You done starring

Kyotani's went face went red real quick

Kyotani - I wasn't star-

Y/n - Cut the bullshit you were starring and I mean who wouldn't you might as well take a picture it'll last longer!

Kyotani - Fuck you y/n!

You let out a deep sigh

Y/n - You know you didn't anwser my question

Kyotani - Question?

Y/n - Are you seriously that stupid to forget the question I asked you like a few minutes ago

Kyotani - I'm no-

Y/n - Do you still love me Kentaro Kyotani?

Omg I am so sorry for the really long wait I just needed a break from this whole wattpad thing...But Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all I know it's kinda late but I really don't care!

And Thank you for reading my story very much is appreciated!!!

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