Chapter 11

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It was 10 past 5 in the morning and still dark when Davis' old car reached the beginning of High Street. As his headlights hit the mailboxes, he paid attention to the addresses on them. When he was almost at the hospital, he held his breath as he went by the house. Davis had a feeling that house had something to do with why he was here, and why Jerry wanted him involved. God damnit he thought to himself, a rush of blurred memories coming and going with the passing of the house. He had tried not to think about the house, he was too much asleep when Jerry first called to give it much thought, now on the ride over, he had. He thought about the house. He didn't know the number but he knew the house, and had a funny feeling that was just confirmed when he read the address, saw the cruiser in front of it, realizing it was the same one he heard over the radio last night. When he was past the curve of tall bushes at the main entrance, he could see several cruisers, their headlights on against the early morning fog that made the buildings look straight out of a horror movie. The cruisers were spread out, and he made a point to park on the other side of the parking lot, though he could see them all staring his way as he parked the beat-up old car. Some of his former classmates were on this department, and at this hour of the morning Davis wasn't particularly looking forward to a reunion, but he owed Jerry. He finished the last few sips of his coffee in one gulp before heading over to the group gathered outside the buildings. 

"Mikey!" he heard Jerry shout as he got closer. He was embarrassed by the lack of formality at hearing his nickname shouted at what appeared to be a crime scene, but quickly remembered he wasn't in Boston anymore and in this small-town formalities went out the window. Jerry waved him over to the circle he was standing in. He sat and listened as Jerry, Sargent Pasquale, continued to address the group in front of him. The Sgt looked directly at detective Davis as he recapped what had already been reviewed in front of this group.

"So, we have a 16 year old female who is currently missing. We still have several phone calls to make, and at this point, could just be at a boyfriend's house, but right now it doesn't look that way. We already put a call out to the school and the bus company. Principal said she had a strange day at school. I guess she passed out or had some sort of anxiety attack. Whatever it was, she was fine enough to finish out the day... bus driver let her off the bus at her house as usual, said she seemed fine. That was the last anyone has seen of her as of now. We all need to try and get more witnesses on this street – talk to all the neighbors, see if anyone saw her after the bus drop off.

"Who lives across the street?" an officer interrupted.

"That's the Moss family. We'll get someone there first. Helen loves to chat. The parents are cooperating but... worried to say the least. Doesn't sound like a runaway but we're gonna explore all leads. Mom says she comes out here when she's stressed, and by the sounds of it, today she was stressed, so we'll start with a full search of the hospital grounds. Her dad and an officer are searching the woods behind their house. That's about all I've got so far. Talk to people. That's how we find her." Jerry paused, as if in silent thought, before continuing, "Let's get to it!" and with that, they broke up and began their work.

The circle spread out as officers moved in different directions. Jerry walked over to Detective Davis and gave him a big hug, throwing him off balance mentally and physically. Davis hadn't had close contact with anyone in a long time, and seeing Jerry who had been a father figure made him feel both comforted and uneasy at the same time.

"Good to see you, bud." He said.

"It's good to see you too, Jerry."

"Been too long. How's the city treating you?"

"It's not bad. A little heavy on the paperwork, but you know how it is."

Jerry smiled, "Yup. I do. Anyways, glad you could get out here. Thought you could help us out a bit.

Mike looked around at the buildings, at the property and then back at Jerry, both acknowledging the facts there were unsaid in the circle before asking the questions that Jerry knew were coming.

"It's the same girl that...." Davis started.

"Yeup." Jerry interrupted.

Jerry tried to answer the question on Mike Davis' face but didn't have them yet.

"Honestly Mikey, we're not sure what's going on yet. Let's not jump to any conclusions. Have to keep every door open. Today is the day to get as many questions answered as we can, but you know this neighborhood better than anyone, and you know the hospital grounds and all the places kids like to hang out, you know what I mean? You've always had kind of a sixth sense for stuff around here."

Mike nodded, a pit forming in his empty stomach.

"We could use you out here on the ground, talk to some people, you were around the first time, they trust you. Catch my drift?"

Davis smiled and nodded. This case made him uneasy, but he liked how it felt to be needed in this way. Jerry made him feel it and it wasn't for show. "Where should I start, sarg?" Davis asked.

"Jerry smiled, "Maybe that's what I should be asking you."


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