Welcome to The State of Confusion, I'm The Governor

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I sat in the center of the room in a chair while the men all seemed to be arguing with each other in a language that I wasn’t even sure was real. It sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me. Sarafina was sitting across from me in another chair and she hadn’t stopped staring at me since she sat down. I was trying to avoid looking at her but her staring was really starting to irritate me and my wolf was taking it as a challenge for dominance. All her growling was starting to give me a serious headache. 

I don’t even understand what is going on but shortly after Sarafina and Victor had left me in the hall the blonde brute Gideon came and got me and told me to follow him. I’m pretty sure they’ve been yelling and growling at each other for the past fifteen minutes. Well mostly it was Victor, Brandt and Mikhail who were doing most of the growling Gideon and the other guy were quietly standing near them silently. I roll my eyes as I look over to Victor who is glaring at Brandt while Mikhail yells at them both about whatever it is they’re talking about. 

Finally tired of being stared at I look over to Sarafina and raise an eyebrow, “Are you going to stare at me the whole time we’re in here?” I say with a little attitude. She smirks a bit, “I guess you could say I’m star struck.” I frown at her but look away with a frustrated sigh. I push myself up out of the chair and start making my way over to the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” I cringe when I hear a deep voice growl behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Victor and the rest of them glaring at me. Sarafina face is full of amusement I’m pretty sure at my expense. 

When I don’t answer him he let’s out another growl, “I asked you a question.” He states. I narrow my eyes, “No you growled a question at me and I chose not to answer you because I don’t appreciate being growled at.” I snap at him. Which I guess probably wasn't the right response right now because his eyes started to glow an ominous blue and his lips pulled back into a sneer revealing some very sharp canines. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to pretend like I’m not freaking out a little bit. 

“Sit down Lex.” He commands and the others remain silent but they are watching us like hawks. I lift my chin a bit, “I’m tired of your bossing me around. If you think I’m going to just do whatever you say like a good little prisoner then you’re dumber than you look.” Sarafina stifles a laugh behind her hand but her eyes continue to sparkle with amusement as she looks back and forth between the two of us. I sense the feelings in the room change and the other males are looking between myself and Victor with worried expressions. 

I noticed Victor’s body beginning to tremble where he stood. Gideon took a step towards him with a concerned expression, “Vic—“ 

“Stay away from me!” Victor growled at him but never took his eyes off me. My wolf had become strangely silent after all her being a pain in the ass this whole time which made me feel slightly anxious. Uh, hello? Are you in here?, I call out in my mind as I take a hesitant step backwards. To which Victors eyes snap down to my feet and then back to my face making me freeze completely. HELLO?! Anyone in here? MAYDAY, MAYDAY! I think we have a serious problem. If anyone could hear me I would sound absolutely insane. I hear a tiny growl in my head, You disrespected our mate. He’s angry. He’s going to teach you. What the hell does that mean? Teach me what? Okay I told you already he is NOT our anything. To which my wolf snarled at me, Submit to mate. He will forgive you. I actually laughed out loud over that thought causing everyone to look at me like I had lost my mind. 

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