My Family Tree

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When I became conscious again I first became aware of the awful stench that hung in the air. It reminded me of the times that meat had gone bad when I used to work at my best friends mom's diner. I groaned as I opened my eyes realizing that I was in a very dark space not able to see more then ten feet in front of me. I've never been a huge fan of the dark and being in a dark smelly room wasn't doing anything good for me. I started to feel the panic building inside more when I realized that I was practically dangling from chains on my wrists which burned slightly against my skin. 

"Hello?" I croaked out into the darkness. When there was no response I cursed under my breath and started to wiggle around in my chains hoping to find a weak point in them. When I heard movement in the darkness I stopped all my movement my heart coming thundering in my chest. I listened harder and prayed that there wasn't some crazed animal locked down here with me. When I heard it again I turned my face in the direction of the sound squinting my eyes to try and see what it was. 

"Is someone there?" I asked my voice shaking. Once again my question was met with only silence but it was almost too quiet. I could sense that something was watching me through the darkness. I swallowed hard, "I know you're there..." I whisper into the darkness but am met with only my own breathing. Before I can say anything more I hear someone groaning to the other side of me and I turn my attention to the sound, "Hello!" I called this time with more panic, "Is someone there?" 

"Will you stop yelling!" Asher's voice actually makes me heave an audible sigh. Who knew I would be have to hear the voice of my almost killer, guess weirder things have happened to me. He groans again and then I hear chains rattling followed by his soft curse. 

"Smells like someone died in here." He grumbles as I continue to hear chains rattling.  After a good minute of struggling I hear his labored breathing, "Damn that double crossing son of a bitch!" He growls and I cringe thinking about Luca. I had no way of knowing that he had actually double crossed us but everything seemed to point in that direction. Maybe I was in denial but I wanted to believe that he wouldn't do that to us—to me. 

I hear the rustling sound again, "Do you hear that?" I ask him in a soft whisper straining to focus on the sound. 

"Yeah, that annoying squeaking sound?" He questions.  

"I don't hear any—" I stop when I catch on to the fact that he is being sarcastic and making fun of me. I glare in his direction hoping he can feel the heat of me stare even in the dark, "Is it really necessary for you to be an ass right now?" 

"Sweetheart, I'm an ass one hundred percent of the time. Being chained up in a possible death dungeon with the world most annoying female isn't going to stop that." He shoots back and I roll my eyes but decide against getting into a petty argument with him when our lives were clearly in danger. I take in a deep breath trying to calm myself but all it does is make me choke on the awful stench. 

When I hear a faint growl I look in Ashers direction, "Seriously can you not?" I growl back. 

"That wasn't me sunshine." He says with a bit of hesitance. My body immediately stiffened up as I tuned into my extra senses, "Someone is in here with us..." I whisper to him. 

"No kidding!" He mocks back in a whisper. 

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