Home Sweet Home

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A picture to the right of the beloved Victor we've all come to love. 

Haha :P

Enjoy the chapter!


I walked behind Victor my eyes scanning over everything. These people must be millionaires because this house was huge and everything looked so expensive. I reached out to touch a painting that was hanging on the wall, “Would you please keep your hands to yourself?” Victor says to me in a cold tone and I quickly pull my hand back with a sigh. Seriously what the hell was shoved up his butt this morning, “What are you afraid that I’ll get my cooties on it?” I ask sarcastically, “Everyone watch out, the blood drinking werewolf girl is coming through—god forbid you catch whatever she has!” I say with my hands cupped to my mouth to make it sound louder. 

He looks at me over his shoulder with a frown and I smile at him purposefully cheerful in hopes of showing him how ridiculous he was acting. I mean even if he did hate my guts like everyone else, it didn’t mean he had to treat me like I was some kind of diseased person. It’s not like I could control what I was, and if I could I would have picked to be human. He clears his throat as we exit the basement, “This is the main house and probably where you’ll spend most of your time while you’re here. Well, as long as you don’t piss anyone off. Which might be hard for you apparently—” He comments and I roll my eyes but don’t respond. 

He points over to a big frosted glass door, “That leads outside, but you won’t be going there unless you’re accompanied by one of the enforcers. It’s also forbidden for you to shift—Unless Mikhail says otherwise.” He keeps his back to me. 

“I can’t shift anyway. Not unless it’s a full moon and I don’t think you’ll have a choice in whether I do it then or not, because it kind of just happens.” I say with a shrug. He look back to me his blue eyes focusing on me and I feel a shiver run through me. The urge to get closer to him coming back full force but I clench my hands into fists at my side to keep myself rooted to the spot I’m standing. “You’re saying that you don’t have control over your shifting yet?” He sounds extremely exasperated. I bite my lip and feel a spark of annoyance over the fact that he’s bothered by that, “Well, excuse me. It’s not like I had guide book for all this stuff like the rest of you. Until recently I was just a normal girl with normal problems like did my jeans make me look fat or was the boy from my third period math class a good kisser.” A tiny growl comes out of Victor at my last statement and I raise an eyebrow in confusion. He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes as he takes a breath before he focuses his attention back on me. 

“When the full moon comes we will lock you up then.” He replies his voice returning to its cold demeanor. 

“Can’t you just teach me how to control it? That way you wouldn’t have to lock me up.” I say quickly because trust me the idea of being locked up anymore is really not that appealing. “Listen until we know you’re not a threat to us we’re not going to help you with anything. You should just be thankful as it is that you’re not still locked up in that room.” His voice was rough and I took a step back away from him feeling slightly hurt by his words. My wolf whimpered in my mind and pushing me to somehow get him to forgive us. I bit my lip to keep from apologizing. I hadn’t done anything wrong and I wasn’t going to be treated like a second class citizen because these people had trust issues. You know what try finding out your parents aren’t your real parents, that you’re a creature of myth and being kidnapped. Twice, then come talk to me about trust issues. 

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